
Just wanted to update to the new db logging by adding the following to

  DB.addLogFunc {
      case (query:DBLog, time) => {
        LogBoot.loggerByName("query").info(">>> All queries took " + time + 
"ms: ")
        query.statementEntries.foreach({ case DBLogEntry(stmt, duration) => 
LogBoot.loggerByName("query").info("    "+stmt + " took " + duration + "ms")})
        LogBoot.loggerByName("query").info("<<< End queries")

But it seems all executed statements are logged twice. I have this

def currentUser(xhtml: Group): NodeSeq = 
Text(User.currentUser.dmap(S.?("Anonym"))(user => user.firstName + " " + 
This logs:

14:46:09.068 [tp-1029120287-4] INFO  query                                - >>> 
All queries took 5ms: 
14:46:09.068 [tp-1029120287-4] INFO  query                                -     
Exec query "SELECT users.id, users.firstname, users.lastname, users.email, 
users.locale, users.timezone, users.password_pw, users.password_slt, 
users.account_id, users.superuser, users.uniqueid, users.validated FROM users 
WHERE id = 2 (scale -5)" : org.postgresql.jdbc4.jdbc4result...@77f31432 took 4ms
14:46:09.069 [tp-1029120287-4] INFO  query                                - <<< 
End queries
14:46:09.069 [tp-1029120287-4] INFO  query                                - >>> 
All queries took 8ms: 
14:46:09.069 [tp-1029120287-4] INFO  query                                -     
Exec query "SELECT users.id, users.firstname, users.lastname, users.email, 
users.locale, users.timezone, users.password_pw, users.password_slt, 
users.account_id, users.superuser, users.uniqueid, users.validated FROM users 
WHERE id = 2 (scale -5)" : org.postgresql.jdbc4.jdbc4result...@77f31432 took 4ms
14:46:09.069 [tp-1029120287-4] INFO  query
- <<< End queries

Note the same resultset. The postgres logs also shows that only a single
statement is executed....

So, what did I miss?


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