Hello guys,

I have created a small web service in Lift. It has two services: One  
reads a row from a table in a database and the other writes one. To  
test the API I am writing a small client application in scala to read  
and write from the Lift API.
Since I am new to scala and lift, I am thinking the code in Java and  
writing in scala, and of course I am having some problems because of  

When I read from the Lift service, the service answers correctly, but  
my client method reads one line and ends the loop. I believe that the  
syntax of my "for comprehension" is not correct. This is my reader code:

import java.net._
import java.io._

     def read {

         val url = new URL("http://localhost:8080/api/getPerson/myrow";)

         var connection = url.openConnection

         var in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader 

         var incomingMsg = ""

         **************Loop with the problem***********
         for (decodedString <- in.readLine) {
           incomingMsg = incomingMsg + decodedString



My second problem is when i try to send a message to the API i receive  
the following java error:

java.io.FileNotFoundException: http://localhost:8080/api/getPerson

The error happens when the method tries to read the answers from the  
API. This is the code:

     def send {
         val message =

         val url = new URL("http://localhost:8080/api/getPerson";)

         var connection = url.openConnection

         var outgoingMsg = message.toString

         var out = new OutputStreamWriter(connection.getOutputStream());
         out.write("string=" + outgoingMsg);

        *******The error happens in the next line**********
         var in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader 

         //        var decodedString = ""

         for (decodedString <- in.readLine)

Any ideas? and, by the way, are there scala packages to replace  
java.net and java.io?

Thanks in advance,


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