I think this is caused by LiftServlet#sendResponse#fixHeaders code.
Can you please open a ticket or re-open the existent one? I'll fix it
if Dave doesn't do it faster.


On Oct 15, 10:47 pm, Ross Mellgren <dri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Recently dpp addressed an issue I filed to allow excluding certain  
> URLs from context rewriting 
> --http://github.com/dpp/liftweb/issues/closed/#issue/83
> However, I think there might be a place that this change missed, or  
> I'm doing something wrong. Overall, looking at the code I'm not sure  
> why it doesn't work. The problem is when using RedirectResponse -- it  
> seems like RedirectResponses are not subject to the new exclusion  
> check, and I can't figure out where in the Lift code they're being  
> rewritten.
> I have this code in Boot:
>          LiftRules.excludePathFromContextPathRewriting.default.set(()  
> => path => {
>              ...
>              path.startsWith("/login")    ||
>              ...
>          })
> And then elsewhere, I have a SiteMap LocParam called NeedAnyRole  
> (here, along with the supporting functions):
>      val unauthorized: Loc.FailMsg = () => RedirectResponse("/login/
> errorauth.jsp")
>      /** Wrap the given If failure message with logging statements if  
> debug logging is enabled */
>      def maybeWrapForLogging(reason: String, fail: Loc.FailMsg):  
> Loc.FailMsg = logger.isDebugEnabled match {
>          case true => () => { logger.debug("Failing SiteMap check (" +  
> reason + ") for " + SPx.loggedInUser.pxuser.map(_.getUsername).openOr
> ("<anonymous user>")); fail() }
>          case false => fail
>      }
>      /** Test for a role and if it is not found bounces out with a  
> Unauthorized (well, redirect to /login/errorauth.jsp) */
>      object NeedAnyRole {
>          def apply(fail: Loc.FailMsg, roleNames: String*): If = If(()  
> => roleNames.findIndexOf(roleName => SPx.hasRole(roleName)) >= 0,  
> maybeWrapForLogging("NeedAnyRole(" + roleNames + ")", fail))
>          def apply(roleNames: String*): If = apply(unauthorized,  
> roleNames: _*)
>      }
> When I fail this LocParam, here is what gets sent back to the browser  
> (as seen by tcpdump)
>      HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
>      Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
>      P3P: policyref="/w3c/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa  
>      Location: /emailwizard/login/errorauth.jsp
>      X-Lift-Version: 1.1-SNAPSHOT
>      Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
>      Content-Length: 1
>      Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 15:33:36.GMT
> The Location: field should be /login/errorauth.jsp since I have it  
> excluded from context rewriting. This works with normal links and  
> other things in HTML, just this redirect isn't working as expected.
> I did try to do a quick spelunk in the lift code, and it looks like it  
> should be generating a correct InMemoryResponse with the location  
> header set to whatever I pass in, however there's a comment there that  
> indicates something later will touch it up:
>      case class RedirectResponse(uri: String, cookies: HTTPCookie*)  
> extends LiftResponse {
>        // The Location URI is not resolved here, instead it is  
> resolved with context path prior of sending the actual response
>        def toResponse = InMemoryResponse(Array(0), List("Location" ->  
> uri), cookies toList, 302)
>      }
> Any ideas on where the problem is?
> -Ross
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