With the current function you can't. I can see a need for having the ajax
fired on key press and not on blur, so please open an issue and reference
this conversation.


On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 1:05 PM, harryh <har...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yes, but then how can I distinguish back on the server whether func is
> being executed because of a blur (in which case I don't really want to
> do anything) or because of a keypress of enter (in which case I want
> to perform an action as if the go button had been pressed).
> -harryh
> On Oct 20, 11:27 am, Derek Chen-Becker <dchenbec...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I think that the ajaxText already handles an "enter" key as field
> > submission. Here's the code that defines an ajaxText field:
> >
> >    1.   private def
> >     ajaxText_*(value: String, jsFunc: Box[Call], func: AFuncHolder,
> > attrs: (String, String)*): Elem = {
> >    2.     val raw = (funcName: String, value:String) => JsRaw("'"
> >     +funcName + "=' + encodeURIComponent(" + value + ".value)")
> >    3.     val key = formFuncName
> >    4.
> >    5.     fmapFunc(func){
> >    6.       funcName =>
> >    7.       (attrs.foldLeft(<input type="text" value={value}/>)(_ % _)) %
> >    8.       ("onkeypress" -> """liftUtils.lift_blurIfReturn(event)""") %
> >    9.       ("onblur" -> (jsFunc match {
> >    10.             case Full(f) => JsCrVar(key, JsRaw("this"
> >    )) & deferCall(raw(funcName, key), f)
> >    11.             case _ => makeAjaxCall(raw(funcName, "this"))
> >    12.           })
> >    13.       )
> >    14.     }
> >    15.   }
> >
> > Note the "onkeypress" and "onblur" event handlers. If you need to do some
> > extra handling on the client side, you can provide the jsFunc parameter
> > which will be used to submit the ajax call.
> >
> > Derek
> >
> > On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 6:13 PM, harryh <har...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > It seems like I ought to be able to use JqKeypress so that if a user
> > > presses enter when a text input has focus an associated ajaxButton is
> > > submitted.  I can't get it to work though.  Help?
> >
> > > Basically I have a bunch of little form like so
> >
> > > [      text input       ] [go!]
> >
> > > that I want to submit (ajax style) when the user presses enter.
> >
> > > -harryh
> >

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