Thanks Derek.

I also just found this:

On Oct 21, 9:15 pm, Derek Chen-Becker <> wrote:
> I think that you're making this more complicated that it needs to be,
> although I may be misunderstanding the question. The ConnectionIdentifier
> trait has a jndiName val on it. If you specify a valid JNDI name for that
> val, then you don't need to wire up a connection manager for it. You can
> simply do things like:
> object MyConnOne extends ConnectionIdentifier { val jndiName =
> "jdbc/ConnOne" }
> object MyConnTwo extends ConnectionIdentifier { val jndiName =
> "jdbc/ConnTwo" }
> // Wire up a default
> DB.defineConnectionManager(DefaultConnectionIdentifier, DerbyDBVendor)
> DB.use(MyConnOne) { conn =>
>   DB.exec(conn) { results => ... }
> }
> Lift will automatically handle retrieving the data source via JNDI if you
> specify a ConnectionIdentifier and you don't have a connection manager
> defined.
> Derek
> On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 10:38 AM, opyate <> wrote:
> > Hello Lift committers,
> > I have a quick question about defining a datasource. I usually do it
> > like this:
> >    DefaultConnectionIdentifier.jndiName = "jdbc/myApp"
> >    // use default internal Derby DB if there's not already a JNDI
> > connection defined
> >    if (!DB.jndiJdbcConnAvailable_?) { // looks at
> > DefaultConnectionIdentifier
> >      Log.warn("No JNDI configured - using default built-in Derby
> > database.")
> >      DB.defineConnectionManager(DefaultConnectionIdentifier,
> > DerbyDBVendor)
> >    }
> > Is DerbyDBVendor in this case a fallback datasource? (Presumably it
> > is, if the JNDI lookup is not available...)
> > If so, this leads to my next question, relating to defining extra
> > (i.e. non-default) datasources.
> > The only way (it seems) for me to do it, is by using:
> > DB.defineConnectionManager(CustomConnId1, SomeDBVendor1)
> > DB.defineConnectionManager(CustomConnId2, SomeDBVendor2) //
> > CustomConnId1/2 points to defined JNDI lookups
> > Is there a way to define custom datasources without specifying a
> > fallback SomeDBVendor1, SomeDBVendor2, etc?
> > I couldn't see anything obvious in the latest checkout of DB.scala
> > At the moment I'm forced to define these fallbacks, and when my app
> > context reloads, poor Derby steps on its own toes:
> > Caused by: java.nio.channels.OverlappingFileLockException
> >        at$SharedFileLockTable.checkList
> > (
> >        at$SharedFileLockTable.add
> > (
> >        at
> >        at java.nio.channels.FileChannel.tryLock(
> >        at
> > Source)
> > I understand that SomeDBVendor1/2 could contain my db connection
> > details, but I don't want to have db connection details specified in
> > ConnectionManager instances in my code, and would rather keep them in
> > JNDI lookups, and said ConnectionManager instances seems to be
> > compulsory at this stage.
> > Please shed some light - I might be missing the boat again
> > completely :-)
> > Ultimately I'd like to have the same control over my extra datasources
> > than I do over DefaultConnectionIdentifier.
> > Thanks,
> > Juan

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