Ok, I am sorry for my previous rubbish

I solved the issue using vars in my Snippet and passing them to my
Post instance to validate and save.


On 22 Ott, 14:26, wibblecp <wibbl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> this is my first post, but I read you always, so I apologize if it
> appear so simple. I am "tasting" this sensational web framework.
> I'll try to explain using a simple and basic example.
> Consider a "post" mapper model with a mappedString object named
> "permalink"
> I'd like to set this db field with something like this (defined in my
> snippet)
> <pre>
> private def set_permalink(input : String) = {
>         val pattern1 = """\s+""".r
>         val pattern2 = """/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+/""".r
>         pattern1 replaceAllIn(pattern2 replaceAllIn(input.toLowerCase,
> ""), "-")
>     }
> </pre>
> My snippet look like this
> <pre>
> class ArticleSnippet extends StatefulSnippet{
> ....
>   var _permalink = S.param("title").map(_.toString) openOr "welcome"
>   def add(form: NodeSeq) : NodeSeq = {
>     ....
>      /** I am in wrong here **/
>     val article = Article.create.owner(User.currentUser)
> .created_at(entryDate).permalink(set_permalink(_permalink))
>     .....
>     def doBind(form: NodeSeq) =
>       bind("article", form,
>            "title" -> post.title.toForm,
>            ....
>            ....
>            "submit" -> submit("Save", ....)
>       )
>     ....
>     }
> ....}
> </pre>
> My saved posts always have "welcome" as value for permalink field.
> Could anyone give me any suggestion about it? I appreciate a lot this
> group.
> Thanks in adavce for your replies.
> Regards,
> Wibble

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