Great suggestions - thanks guys!

Jeppe Nejsum Madsen wrote:
> Timothy Perrett <> writes:
>> Ahhhhh. In that case, does this help:
>>      Menu(Loc("Some", List("some","page"), "Some",
>>        EarlyResponse(() => {
>>      // do some response here,
>>          // return Empty if you dont want
>>          // a response but a filter style
>>          // intercept.
>>          Empty
>>        })
>>      ))
>> Does that help?
> Or, if you just need to run some code before a template is rendered:
> Menu(Loc("test", List("landing"), "test", Template{() => 
>                              println("Hit the template URL");
>                              // Handle Empty case :-)
> TemplateFinder.findAnyTemplate(List("mytemplat","index")).open_!
>                            }))
> /Jeppe
> > 

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