It's a bug.  Please open a ticket for it.  I'll get it fixed tonight.

On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 11:03 AM, harryh <> wrote:

> First, I rewrite URLs like /user/harryh to /user?uid=harryh
> Also, requests to get rewritten to /
> subdomain/mobile/foo/bar
> Doing this with the following code:
> val urlRewriter: LiftRules.RewritePF = NamedPF("URLRewrite") {
>  case RewriteRequest(ParsePath("user" :: uid :: Nil, _, true, _), _,
> _) => {
>    RewriteResponse(ParsePath("user" :: Nil, "", true, false), Map
> ("uid" -> uid))
>  }
>  case RewriteRequest(path, _, req) if
> (req.serverName.toLowerCase.startsWith("m.")) => {
>    RewriteResponse(ParsePath("subdomain" :: "mobile" ::
> path.partPath, path.suffix, path.absolute, path.endSlash), emptyMap,
> true)
>  }
> }
> LiftRules.rewrite.append(urlRewriter)
> The problem is that emtyMap in the second RewriteResponse.  The
> uid=harryh parameter that gets created by the first rewrite rule is
> being destroyed at which point bad things happen.
> Is there a better way to do what I am trying to do here?
> -harryh
> >

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