
For-comprehensions could help you out:

  cookie <- S.findCookie(cookieName)
  value <- cookie} doSomethingWithValue


On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 12:07 PM, DMB <combust...@gmail.com> wrote:

> When I call findCookie it returns a Box. Then, the value on the cookie
> itself is also a box. Hence a ruby one-liner turns into something
> like:
> val cookie = S.findCookie(cookieName)
> if(cookie.isDefined) {
>     val cookieVal = cookie.open_!.value.openOr(null)
>     // Do something with the cookie value
> }
> This is very ugly, so I'm guessing I'm doing something wrong, but try
> as I might, I could not find any examples that would look even vaguely
> "right" to me.
> Why can't findCookie return a simple, unboxed HTTPCookie object or
> null if cookie is not found?
> Why does the value inside a cookie need to also be Box'ed?
> For the sake of comparison, here's how you do the same thing in RoR:
> v = cookies["cookieName"]
> // Do something with the cookie
> or ASP.NET:
> var c = Request.Cookies["CookieName"]
> if(c != null) {
>   var v = c.Value
>   // Do something with the cookie
> }
> I fail to see why Lift should be more complicated.
> This is with Lift 1.1 M7
> >

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