dear all,

i have one problem in url rewriting..what i want is something like
this guest/view?branch=?&date=?...or guest/view/branch/date.

my code as below:

LiftRules.rewrite.append {
    case RewriteRequest(
        ParsePath(List("guest", "view", branch, date),_,_,_),_,_) =>
        RewriteResponse(List("guest","view"), Map("branch" ->
branch,"date" -> date))

val entries = Menu(Loc("Home", List("index"), "Home"))::
    Menu(Loc("View", "guest"::"view"::Nil, "View")):: User.sitemap

and my error is

The Requested URL guest/view/Full(1)/Full(11/17/2009) was not found on
this server..can anyone help it my code wrong. for your info
view.html is in the guest folder


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