Folks, I've completed the first pass at multi-page input Wizards in Lift. You can see an example at:
Wizards are declarative, type-safe mechanisms for describing multi-page workflows. They are stateful, isolated (you can run multiple copies of the same wizard in the same browser at the same time), and testable independent of a user interface. Here's a 3 page wizard that chooses the flow based on the age entered on the first screen: /** * An example of a wizard in Lift */ object MyWizard extends Wizard { object completeInfo extends WizardVar(false) // define the first screen val nameAndAge = new Screen { // it has a name field val name = new Field with StringField { def title = S ?? "First Name" override def validation = minLen(2, S ?? "Name Too Short") :: maxLen(40, S ?? "Name Too Long") :: super.validation } // and an age field val age = new Field with IntField { def title = S ?? "Age" override def validation = minVal(5, S ?? "Too young") :: maxVal(120, S ?? "You should be dead") :: super.validation } // choose the next screen based on the age override def nextScreen = if ( < 18) parentName else favoritePet } // We ask the parent's name if the person is under 18 val parentName = new Screen { val parentName = new Field with StringField { def title = S ?? "Mom or Dad's name" override def validation = minLen(2, S ?? "Name Too Short") :: maxLen(40, S ?? "Name Too Long") :: super.validation } } // we ask for the favorite pet val favoritePet = new Screen { val petName = new Field with StringField { def title = S ?? "Pet's name" override def validation = minLen(2, S ?? "Name Too Short") :: maxLen(40, S ?? "Name Too Long") :: super.validation } } // what to do on completion of the wizard def finish() { S.notice("Thank you for registering your pet") completeInfo.set(true) } } Each field has validation (and there's per-screen validation as well). You can write a test for this wizard that runs independently of the UI: object WizardSpec extends Specification { val session: LiftSession = new LiftSession("", Helpers.randomString(20), Empty) "A Wizard can be defined" in { MyWizard.nameAndAge.screenName must_== "Screen 1" MyWizard.favoritePet.screenName must_== "Screen 3" } "A field must have a correct Manifest" in { MyWizard.nameAndAge.age.manifest.erasure.getName must_== classOf[Int].getName } "A wizard must transition from first screen to second screen" in { S.initIfUninitted(session) { MyWizard.currentScreen.open_! must_== MyWizard.nameAndAge MyWizard.nextScreen MyWizard.currentScreen.open_! must_== MyWizard.nameAndAge"David") MyWizard.nameAndAge.age.set(14) MyWizard.nextScreen MyWizard.currentScreen.open_! must_== MyWizard.parentName MyWizard.prevScreen MyWizard.currentScreen.open_! must_== MyWizard.nameAndAge MyWizard.nameAndAge.age.set(45) MyWizard.nextScreen MyWizard.currentScreen.open_! must_== MyWizard.favoritePet S.clearCurrentNotices MyWizard.favoritePet.petName.set("Elwood") MyWizard.nextScreen MyWizard.currentScreen must_== Empty must_== true } } "A wizard must be able to snapshot itself" in { val ss = S.initIfUninitted(session) { MyWizard.currentScreen.open_! must_== MyWizard.nameAndAge MyWizard.nextScreen MyWizard.currentScreen.open_! must_== MyWizard.nameAndAge"David") MyWizard.nameAndAge.age.set(14) MyWizard.nextScreen MyWizard.currentScreen.open_! must_== MyWizard.parentName MyWizard.createSnapshot } S.initIfUninitted(session) { MyWizard.currentScreen.open_! must_== MyWizard.nameAndAge } S.initIfUninitted(session) { ss.restore() MyWizard.prevScreen MyWizard.currentScreen.open_! must_== MyWizard.nameAndAge MyWizard.nameAndAge.age.set(45) MyWizard.nextScreen MyWizard.currentScreen.open_! must_== MyWizard.favoritePet S.clearCurrentNotices MyWizard.favoritePet.petName.set("Elwood") MyWizard.nextScreen MyWizard.currentScreen must_== Empty must_== true } } } The building of HTML forms from the given field type is based on the type (currently, there's support for String and Int, but more to come) and it's based on plugable functions, so you can build date pickers that are localized, etc. What needs to be done: - The naming (including the names that the various parts of the wizard bind to) need a good going-over - Support for many different input types (not just Int and String) - Feedback So, it should be off the review board in a day or two and then I'm going to ask for folks to try it out and give me lots of feedback. Thanks, David -- Lift, the simply functional web framework Beginning Scala Follow me: Surf the harmonics -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Lift" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at