
So I took a close look at the lift-wizard code with a view to do what
we discussed on the committers call. From that, I have the following
feedback and questions:

- Wizard.scala, L192... You have hardcoded html tables; IMHO, these
need to go, ASAP! Id suggest replacing them with a CSS div from
blueprint or similar. I do however see that you can override this
using wizard-all.html in templates-hidden... pretty cool, but not
obvious - shall i document this more in the comments?

- There is a lot of code in Wizard.scala; it would be easier to
navigate if it were broken into different files - the whole thing
needs a lot more commenting. Im happy to add this if you want...?

- Mapper appears to be a hard dependency if you want a persistable
wizard as it relies on the mapper transaction block... could this be
made more generic so the persistence mech could be JPA etc? Is it
possible to do a Mapper transaction using the JTA module?

- In order to load the wizard dynamically from some serialised form
(xml, json or whatever) would I be right in saying that its a matter
of creating a subtype that overrides the following declarations:
   + Wizard.screens
   + Wizard#Screen.screenFields
   + Wizard#Screen#Field.validate

What do you think?

Cheers, Tim


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