I have some slow code:

val users:List[User] = Tag.findAll(By(Tag.tagType,this), OrderBy
(Tag.created_at, Descending), MaxRows(100), PreCache(Tag.user)).map

That I turned into faster ugly code:

val users:List[User] = User.findAll(BySql("WHERE id IN (SELECT TOP 100
user from Tag where tagType = ? ORDER BY created_at DESC )",
IHaveValidatedThisSQL("trevoraustin","2009-11-30"), this.id))

That I want to turn into faster nicer code:

val users:List[User] = User.findAll(In(User.id, Tag.user, By
(Tag.tagType, this), OrderBy(Tag.created_at, Descending), MaxRows

But I get the error:

"no implicit argument matching parameter type (Product with
net.liftweb.mapper.QueryParam[_ <: com.udorse.lift.model.Tag]) =>
net.liftweb.mapper.QueryParam[com.udorse.lift.model.Tag] was found."

If I try just:

 val users:List[User] = User.findAll(In(User.id, Tag.user, By
(Tag.tagType, this), OrderBy(Tag.created_at, Descending)))

Without the MaxRows it compiles fine.  Is there a limit on the
QueryParams I can use with In?  Am I doing something else wrong?


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