This was from a while ago but I just wanted to note that it works
well, though I do have some issues with when render is then called,
since localSetup is no longer used.

Also, why does setupComet take a boxed name parameter?


On Oct 12, 8:15 am, David Pollak <>
> On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 7:04 AM, Peter Robinett 
> <>wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I have a question about whether it's possible to access RequestVars in
> > CometActors (specifically, to access them in localSetup). I believe it
> > is, based upon a recent thread about sharing them among snippets[1]
> > and an older thread about Actors accessing S[2]. But first, some
> > background, as I may be going around this in totally the wrong way and
> > would appreciate your thoughts.
> > I am making a dashboard to display a bunch of data that will be coming
> > in (near) real-time and I want to use Comet to make sure the user
> > always sees the most update-to-date information in their dashboard. I
> > have a variety of different aggregate values to display that fall into
> > several categories together, so I can group the calculations together.
> > I think this sectioning will prove useful in the future, as I can
> > imagine wanting to display some but not all of these sections on
> > another page.
> > Because the CometActors all will need to know the dashboard to which
> > they belong, my thought was to share this Mapper instance via a
> > RequestVar.
> You can create messages to be sent to a CometActor upon setup:
> for {
>   session <- S.session
>  } session.setupComet("Dashboard", Empty, ABunchOfInfo(sessionInfo))
> When the "Dashboard" comet actor is created, it will be sent the
> ABunchOfInfo message.  In this way you can send current request state info
> to a CometActor.
> Does this help?
> > I call my snippet like so:
> > <lift:Dashboard.display>
> > </lift:Dashboard.display>
> > The snippet defines a RequestVar called myDashboard and then returns a
> > NodeSeq:
> > <div>
> >  <lift:comet type="DashboardHelper1">
> >  </lift:comet>
> > // ....
> >  <lift:comet type="DashboardHelperN">
> >  </lift:comet>
> > </div>
> > While I can get this all to compile, myDashboard is empty in the
> > CometActors. I understand that CometActors basically exist outside of
> > the normal request cycle, so would this be the reason why my
> > RequestVar is always empty? I was hoping that it would still be in the
> > request cycle when localSetup is called, but I can see why that would
> > be unrealistic.
> > I just tried using SessionVar instead of a RequestVar and this works.
> > However, I'm worried about having to be more careful about emptying
> > the SessionVar if requesting a different dashboard than if I would if
> > I were using a RequestVar. Is this an unrealistic fear?
> > What do you think is the best way to proceed?
> > Thanks for your help,
> > Peter Robinett
> > [1]:
> >
> > [2]:
> >
> --
> Lift, the simply functional web framework
> Beginning Scala
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> Surf the harmonics


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