Hey Dave, great site, beautiful photography.

If you had time you might add some URL rewriting, so that galleries
had nice urls like:


- Alex

On Dec 13, 1:44 am, Dave Briccetti <da...@davebsoft.com> wrote:
> For a lightning talk at Bay Area Scala Enthusiasts at Twitter HQ
> Monday, I will show BirdShow, a Lift application that shows photos
> from Flickr. The current instantiation is a nature photography Web
> site. Would some of you Lift experts be willing to review the code and
> comment on the application? I want this to be an example of good Scala
> and Lift coding. I will gladly acknowledge your help in the
> presentation.
> http://briccettiphoto.comhttp://github.com/dcbriccetti/bird-show


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