On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 12:13 PM, Nolan Darilek <no...@thewordnerd.info>wrote:

> Hello, all. I'm sure this is an incredibly silly mistake on my part, but
> I've never really done AJAX until playing with Lift and am at a loss as
> to what's going wrong.
> I'm dusting off my old geolocation web app. My current goals are
> two-fold: set an initial position based on the browser, then generate
> links to update that position based on nearby points. Thus far I have
> the first goal working quite nicely. A snippet registers a javascript
> callback to call a Lift function, and my page is being updated
> correctly. Here's what I have:
>   def update(in:NodeSeq):NodeSeq = Script(JsRaw(
>     """loc.onUpdate = function(lat, lon) {
>       """+SHtml.jsonCall(JsObj("lat" -> JsVar("lat"), "lon" ->
> JsVar("lon")), updatePosition _)._2.toJsCmd+""";
>     }"""
>   ))
> The problem arises when I try calling my updatePosition function from an
> SHtml.a link, like so:
>           val nodeList = <ul>
>             {nodes.map(nd => <li>{SHtml.a(
>               nd.name(None, None).getOrElse("Unnamed way"),
>               SHtml.jsonCall(
>                 JsObj("lat" -> nd.latitude, "lon" -> nd.longitude),
>                 updatePosition _
>               )._2
>             )}</li>)}
> </ul>

How about:

val nodes: List[xxx] = ...
val nodeList = nodes match {
  case Nil => <p>No nodes</p>
  case xs => <ul>{xs.map(nd => <li>{SHtml.a(() => updatePosition(nd), Text(
ns.name(None, None) getOrElse "Unnamed")}</li>)}</ul>

> Ultimately, this function returns a JsCmd that performs two Replaces.
> First, that seems just a bit ugly to me, with the escape within an
> escape and all. Is there any way of eliminating that, short of placing
> the <ul/> into the template? Ideally this should handle the case where
> there are no nearby nodes, in which case there'd be a <p>No nearby
> points of interest.</p> instead of the enclosing <ul>, but I haven't
> coded that yet.
> Next, clicking on these links doesn't work, and I get a "parent is null"
> error from Firebug. I'm guessing that this new call is registered in the
> context of a new, blank document, and hence can't perform any of the
> Replace commands that work fine when this function is used in the
> context of a callback in an existing document? If so, do I need another
> Shtml function to make the jsonCall occur in the current DOM?
> Finally, any idea as to why the link names appear as quoted strings
> (I.e. "Unnamed way" instead of just Unnamed way)? I'm guessing it may
> have to do with the embedded escape, but I'm not entirely certain.
> Thanks in advance, this is such a helpful and patient community,
> especially with newbies like myself. :)
> --
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