On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 8:21 AM, Nolan Darilek <no...@thewordnerd.info>wrote:

> Hello. Sorry for being the squeaky wheel on this one, but I'm really at
> a loss with no way to know if this is an issue with me, or with how I'm
> doing things in Lift. I've also been at this particular problem for a
> bit under a day now, and am running out of things to try and words to
> google.
> I think I figured out yesterday's issue--likely should have set onclick
> to an anonymous function returning false to prevent the browser from
> running it in a new DOM--but I've decided to chage my approach slightly.
> For various reasons, I'm now trying to use a <select/> with an onBlur
> handler which submits the value, a JSON string, to a function via
> jsonCall. Here is my entire function, still with a few rough edges as I
> add in the various AJAX bits:
>   def updatePosition(pos:Any):JsCmd = pos match {
>     case p:Map[String, Double] =>
>       GeoNode.nearestTo(p("lat"), p("lon")) match {
>         case Some(node) =>
>           val nodes = node.within(0.001).remove(n => n.ways.size == 1)
>           val nodeList = <select onblur = {
>             JsRaw("alert(\"Blur!\")")
>           }>

You're making things way too complex:

<select onblur="alert('Blur!')">

> {
>             nodes.map(n =>
> <option value={JsObj("lat" -> n.latitude, "lon" ->
> n.longitude)}>

value={JsObj("lat" -> n.latitude, "lon" -> n.longitude)}

does not do what you think it does.  You can't put a JSON object in the
attribute of an HTML element.

When the item is selected, what do you want to happen?

> {n.name(None, None).getOrElse("Unnamed node")}</option>
>             )
>           }</select>
>           println(nodeList)
>           Replace("location", node.nearestWay match {
>             case Some(w) => <p>On {w.name.getOrElse("Unnamed way")}.</p>
>             case None => <p>No nearby ways</p>
>           }) &
>           Replace("nearby", nodeList)
>         case _ => Replace("location", <p>Thar be dragons! (You don't
> appear to be on any current maps.</p>)
>     }
>     case _ =>
>       println(pos)
>       Alert("Unexpected geolocation API response from browser.")
>   }
> No matter what I try, I can't get the alert() to trigger when I tab off
> the <select/>. The println outputs what appears to be a sane value. I've
> inspected the element in Firebug, and everything appears as I'd expect.
> I've saved the entire page body with everything inserted, and everything
> looks fine there too. I've even done up a simple HTML document to make
> sure this behaves as I'd expect, and it does exactly what I think it
> should.
> So, what am I missing? Is embedded JS in a Replace call not run or
> something odd like that?
> --
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