If you want to tar up your project (please remove the target directory) and
send it to me privately, I'll look into it.

On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 4:48 PM, Jarod Liu <liuyuan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I did "mvn clean" but dosn't help. And I try implement a custom
> DBVender, found that the newConnection() even not being call.
>  def boot {
>    LiftRules.formatDate = formatDate
>      DB.defineConnectionManager(DefaultConnectionIdentifier,
> DBVendor)
>    LiftRules.addToPackages("hello")
>    LiftRules.setSiteMap(SiteMap(MenuInfo.menu: _*))
>    LiftRules.early.append{ _.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8") }
>  }
>  object DBVendor extends ConnectionManager {
>    def newConnection(name: ConnectionIdentifier): Box[Connection] = {
>      try {
>        Class.forName(Props.get("db.driver").openOr
> ("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"))
>        println(Props.props)
>        val c = Full(DriverManager.getConnection(
>            Props.get("db.url").openOr("jdbc:mysql://localhost/mydb?
> autoReconnectForPools=true"),
>            Props.get("db.user").openOr("root"), Props.get
> ("db.password").openOr("")))
>        println("============================================")
>        println(c)
>        c
>      } catch {
>        case e: Exception => e.printStackTrace; Empty
>      }
>    }
>    def releaseConnection(conn: Connection) {
>      conn.close
>    }
>  }
> On Dec 18, 8:05 am, David Pollak <feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Please try doing a "mvn clean" and then retry your application.
> >
> > I have seen no problems with the dozen+ Lift apps I work with related to
> > connections not working between M7 and M8.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 5:59 AM, Jarod Liu <liuyuan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > The same code works fine in 1.1M7. Anyone know what causes the
> > > problem. Or maybe a bug in 1.1M8?
> >
> > > boot.scala:
> > >      DB.defineConnectionManager(DefaultConnectionIdentifier,
> > >                                 new StandardDBVendor
> > > ("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver",
> > >                                                      "jdbc:mysql://
> > > localhost/mydb?autoReconnectForPools=true",
> > >                                                      "root", ""))
> >
> > > the error message:
> >
> > >    Looking for Connection Identifier ConnectionIdentifier(lift) but
> > > failed to find either a JNDI data source with the name lift or a lift
> > > connection manager with the correct name</pre></p><h3>Caused by:</
> > > h3><pre>java.lang.NullPointerException: Looking for Connection
> > > Identifier ConnectionIdentifier(lift) but failed to find either a JNDI
> > > data source with the name lift or a lift connection manager with the
> > > correct name
> > >        at
> net.liftweb.mapper.DB$$anonfun$2$$anonfun$apply$8.apply(DB.scala:
> > > 97)
> > >        at
> net.liftweb.mapper.DB$$anonfun$2$$anonfun$apply$8.apply(DB.scala:
> > > 97)
> > >        at net.liftweb.common.EmptyBox.openOr(Box.scala:372)
> > >        at net.liftweb.mapper.DB$$anonfun$2.apply(DB.scala:96)
> > >        at net.liftweb.mapper.DB$$anonfun$2.apply(DB.scala:96)
> > >        at net.liftweb.common.EmptyBox.openOr(Box.scala:372)
> > >        at net.liftweb.mapper.DB$.newConnection(DB.scala:90)
> > >        at net.liftweb.mapper.DB$.getConnection(DB.scala:186)
> > >        at net.liftweb.mapper.DB$.use(DB.scala:446)
> > >        at net.liftweb.mapper.DB$$anon$1$$anonfun$apply$9.recurseMe$1
> > > (DB.scala:160)
> > >        at
> > > net.liftweb.mapper.DB$$anon$1$$anonfun$apply$9.apply(DB.scala:162)
> > >        at net.liftweb.util.DynoVar$class.run(ThreadGlobal.scala:91)
> > >        at net.liftweb.mapper.DB$$anon$1$DepthCnt$.run(DB.scala:143)
> > >        at net.liftweb.mapper.DB$$anon$1.apply(DB.scala:146)
> > >        at net.liftweb.http.S$.net$liftweb$http$S$$doAround(S.scala:912)
> > >        at
> net.liftweb.http.S$$anonfun$net$liftweb$http$S$$_nest2InnerInit
> > > $1.apply(S.scala:1112)
> > >        at net.liftweb.util.ThreadGlobal.doWith(ThreadGlobal.scala:67)
> > >        at
> net.liftweb.http.S$.net$liftweb$http$S$$_nest2InnerInit(S.scala:
> > > 1111)
> > >        at net.liftweb.http.S$$anonfun$net$liftweb$http$S$$_innerInit$1$
> > > $anonfun$apply$28$$anonfun$apply$29$$anonfun$apply$30$$anonfun$apply
> > > $31.apply(S.scala:1133)
> > >        at net.liftweb.util.ThreadGlobal.doWith(ThreadGlobal.scala:67)
> > >        at net.liftweb.http.S$$anonfun$net$liftweb$http$S$$_innerInit$1$
> > > $anonfun$apply$28$$anonfun$apply$29$$anonfun$apply$30.apply(S.scala:
> > > 1132)
> > >        at net.liftweb.util.ThreadGlobal.doWith(ThreadGlobal.scala:67)
> > >        at net.liftweb.http.S$$anonfun$net$liftweb$http$S$$_innerInit$1$
> > > $anonfun$apply$28$$anonfun$apply$29.apply(S.scala:1131)
> > >        at net.liftweb.util.ThreadGlobal.doWith(ThreadGlobal.scala:67)
> > >        at net.liftweb.http.S$$anonfun$net$liftweb$http$S$$_innerInit$1$
> > > $anonfun$apply$28.apply(S.scala:1130)
> > >        at net.liftweb.util.ThreadGlobal.doWith(ThreadGlobal.scala:67)
> > >        at
> > > net.liftweb.http.S$$anonfun$net$liftweb$http$S$$_innerInit$1.apply
> > > (S.scala:1129)
> > >        at net.liftweb.util.ThreadGlobal.doWith(ThreadGlobal.scala:67)
> > >        at
> net.liftweb.http.S$.net$liftweb$http$S$$_innerInit(S.scala:1128)
> > >        at
> net.liftweb.http.S$$anonfun$_init$1$$anonfun$apply$38$$anonfun
> > > $apply$39$$anonfun$apply$40$$anonfun$apply$41$$anonfun$apply$42.apply
> > > (S.scala:1175)
> > >        at net.liftweb.util.ThreadGlobal.doWith(ThreadGlobal.scala:67)
> > >        at
> net.liftweb.http.S$$anonfun$_init$1$$anonfun$apply$38$$anonfun
> > > $apply$39$$anonfun$apply$40$$anonfun$apply$41.apply(S.scala:1174)
> > >        at
> > > net.liftweb.http.CoreRequestVarHandler$class.apply(Vars.scala:325)
> > >        at net.liftweb.http.RequestVarHandler$.apply(Vars.scala:248)
> > >        at
> net.liftweb.http.S$$anonfun$_init$1$$anonfun$apply$38$$anonfun
> > > $apply$39$$anonfun$apply$40.apply(S.scala:1173)
> > >        at
> > > net.liftweb.http.CoreRequestVarHandler$class.apply(Vars.scala:325)
> > >        at
> > > net.liftweb.http.TransientRequestVarHandler$.apply(Vars.scala:252)
> > >        at
> net.liftweb.http.S$$anonfun$_init$1$$anonfun$apply$38$$anonfun
> > > $apply$39.apply(S.scala:1172)
> > >        at net.liftweb.util.ThreadGlobal.doWith(ThreadGlobal.scala:67)
> > >        at net.liftweb.http.S$$anonfun$_init$1$$anonfun$apply$38.apply
> > > (S.scala:1171)
> > >        at net.liftweb.util.ThreadGlobal.doWith(ThreadGlobal.scala:67)
> > >        at net.liftweb.http.S$$anonfun$_init$1.apply(S.scala:1170)
> > >        at net.liftweb.util.ThreadGlobal.doWith(ThreadGlobal.scala:67)
> > >        at net.liftweb.http.S$._init(S.scala:1169)
> > >        at net.liftweb.http.S$.init(S.scala:825)
> > >        at net.liftweb.http.S$.initIfUninitted(S.scala:1514)
> > >        at net.liftweb.http.Req$.apply(Req.scala:140)
> > >        at net.liftweb.http.provider.HTTPProvider$class.service
> > > (HTTPProvider.scala:52)
> > >        at net.liftweb.http.LiftFilter.service(LiftServlet.scala:523)
> > >        at net.liftweb.http.provider.servlet.ServletFilterProvider
> > > $class.protected$service(ServletFilterProvider.scala:43)
> > >        at
> net.liftweb.http.LiftFilter.protected$service(LiftServlet.scala:
> > > 523)
> > >        at
> net.liftweb.http.provider.servlet.ServletFilterProvider$$anonfun
> > > $doFilter$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(ServletFilterProvider.scala:43)
> > >        at
> net.liftweb.http.provider.servlet.ServletFilterProvider$$anonfun
> > > $doFilter$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(ServletFilterProvider.scala:38)
> > >        at
> net.liftweb.http.CoreRequestVarHandler$$anonfun$apply$9$$anonfun
> > > $apply$10$$anonfun$apply$11$$anonfun$apply$12.apply(Vars.scala:331)
> > >        at net.liftweb.util.ThreadGlobal.doWith(ThreadGlobal.scala:67)
> > >        at
> net.liftweb.http.CoreRequestVarHandler$$anonfun$apply$9$$anonfun
> > > $apply$10$$anonfun$apply$11.apply(Vars.scala:330)
> > >        at net.liftweb.util.ThreadGlobal.doWith(ThreadGlobal.scala:67)
> > >        at
> net.liftweb.http.CoreRequestVarHandler$$anonfun$apply$9$$anonfun
> > > $apply$10.apply(Vars.scala:329)
> > >        at net.liftweb.util.ThreadGlobal.doWith(ThreadGlobal.scala:67)
> > >        at net.liftweb.http.CoreRequestVarHandler$$anonfun$apply$9.apply
> > > (Vars.scala:328)
> > >        at net.liftweb.util.ThreadGlobal.doWith(ThreadGlobal.scala:67)
> > >        at
> > > net.liftweb.http.CoreRequestVarHandler$class.apply(Vars.scala:327)
> > >        at net.liftweb.http.RequestVarHandler$.apply(Vars.scala:248)
> > >        at
> net.liftweb.http.provider.servlet.ServletFilterProvider$$anonfun
> > > $doFilter$1.apply(ServletFilterProvider.scala:37)
> > >        at
> net.liftweb.http.provider.servlet.ServletFilterProvider$$anonfun
> > > $doFilter$1.apply(ServletFilterProvider.scala:37)
> > >        at
> net.liftweb.http.CoreRequestVarHandler$$anonfun$apply$9$$anonfun
> > > $apply$10$$anonfun$apply$11$$anonfun$apply$12.apply(Vars.scala:331)
> > >        at net.liftweb.util.ThreadGlobal.doWith(ThreadGlobal.scala:67)
> > >        at
> net.liftweb.http.CoreRequestVarHandler$$anonfun$apply$9$$anonfun
> > > $apply$10$$anonfun$apply$11.apply(Vars.scala:330)
> > >        at net.liftweb.util.ThreadGlobal.doWith(ThreadGlobal.scala:67)
> > >        at
> net.liftweb.http.CoreRequestVarHandler$$anonfun$apply$9$$anonfun
> > > $apply$10.apply(Vars.scala:329)
> > >        at net.liftweb.util.ThreadGlobal.doWith(ThreadGlobal.scala:67)
> > >        at net.liftweb.http.CoreRequestVarHandler$$anonfun$apply$9.apply
> > > (Vars.scala:328)
> > >        at net.liftweb.util.ThreadGlobal.doWith(ThreadGlobal.scala:67)
> > >        at
> > > net.liftweb.http.CoreRequestVarHandler$class.apply(Vars.scala:327)
> > >        at
> > > net.liftweb.http.TransientRequestVarHandler$.apply(Vars.scala:252)
> > >        at net.liftweb.http.provider.servlet.ServletFilterProvider
> > > $class.doFilter(ServletFilterProvider.scala:36)
> > >        at net.liftweb.http.LiftFilter.doFilter(LiftServlet.scala:523)
> > >        at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter
> > > (ServletHandler.java:1157)
> > >        at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.handle
> > > (ServletHandler.java:388)
> > >        at org.mortbay.jetty.security.SecurityHandler.handle
> > > (SecurityHandler.java:216)
> > >        at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.SessionHandler.handle
> > > (SessionHandler.java:182)
> > >        at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.ContextHandler.handle
> > > (ContextHandler.java:765)
> > >        at
> org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.handle(WebAppContext.java:
> > > 418)
> > >        at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.ContextHandlerCollection.handle
> > > (ContextHandlerCollection.java:230)
> > >        at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.HandlerCollection.handle
> > > (HandlerCollection.java:114)
> > >        at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle
> > > (HandlerWrapper.java:152)
> > >        at org.mortbay.jetty.Server.handle(Server.java:326)
> > >        at
> > > org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection.handleRequest(HttpConnection.java:
> > > 542)
> > >        at
> org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection$RequestHandler.headerComplete
> > > (HttpConnection.java:923)
> > >        at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpParser.parseNext(HttpParser.java:547)
> > >        at
> org.mortbay.jetty.HttpParser.parseAvailable(HttpParser.java:212)
> > >        at
> org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection.handle(HttpConnection.java:404)
> > >        at org.mortbay.io.nio.SelectChannelEndPoint.run
> > > (SelectChannelEndPoint.java:409)
> > >        at org.mortbay.thread.QueuedThreadPool$PoolThread.run
> > > (QueuedThreadPool.java:582)
> >
> > > --
> >
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> Groups
> > > "Lift" group.
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> > > .
> > > For more options, visit this group at
> > >http://groups.google.com/group/liftweb?hl=en.
> >
> > --
> > Lift, the simply functional web framework ...
> >
> >
> --
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Lift, the simply functional web framework http://liftweb.net
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