It would be really good for us as a team to know what it is you *dont*
get? Is it conceptual? code? If we can understand what is daunting for
newbies that would really be helpful.

Cheers, Tim

On Dec 25, 2:51 pm, greekscala <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to hear more about, how you "get" lift. I am new to lift
> too and trying to get a better and clearer viewpoint.
> Maybe it can help others to. If you can summarize it in a few
> sentences.
> This would be really great.
> with best regards
> On 25 Dez., 01:05, Erkki Lindpere <> wrote:
> > It took me a long time to "get" lift. For about a year I looked at
> > examples from time to time and tried out some basic stuff, but it just
> > didn't click. I found the structure to be too messy. I still do
> > actually. It seems that the documentation is also not well structured
> > enough for getting started and I had to look at examples and Lift's
> > source to understand how things work (thanks for putting sources in
> > the Maven repo BTW, I wish everyone would do that).
> > After experimenting with Lift for about two days I think I get the
> > basic idea and I've come to a better understanding about lift's
> > structure by looking at the sources, I can now ignore the parts I
> > don't like (Mapper being one, I use JPA instead) and use the parts
> > that I do.
> > The way the X(HT)ML processing, type-safe JavaScript/jQuery, Ajax and
> > Comet work is just brilliant!
> > PS. I'm working (on my spare time for now) on an Ajax & Comet heavy
> > application that will hopefully also have a lot of runtime
> > customization ability through OSGi. I haven't gotten to the OSGi part
> > yet, because there's the hurdle of OSGifying all the jars I use and I
> > want to get a good understanding of Lift before I start making things
> > dynamic. But do you have any recommendations for OSGi framework/web
> > container combinations to use with Lift? I have tried SpringSource
> > dmServer (with the SpringSource tooling), but I don't like it much...
> > Maybe plain Equinox + Jetty with the ScalaModules library would be a
> > good combo?


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