Yes I had an open thread on this issue but it's not being seen as a
real issue.

On Dec 30, 7:15 pm, Nathan Parry <> wrote:
> Searching turned up a few older threads similar to the problem I'm
> seeing, but I couldn't find any solution.
> Using just the skeleton project created by lift-archetype-basic, I'm
> getting these exceptions out of jetty:
> org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Database may be already in use: Locked
> by another process. Possible solutions: close all other connection(s);
> use the server mode [90020-121]
> ERROR - Failed to Boot
> java.lang.NullPointerException: Looking for Connection Identifier
> ConnectionIdentifier(lift) but failed to find either a JNDI data
> source with the name lift or a lift connection manager with the
> correct name
> Once this happens, the app is non-functional.  This occurs whenever
> jetty restarts due to updated code.  I can trigger the issue by:
> 1. Running mvn jetty:run in one console
> 2. Running mvn scala:cc in another console
> 3. Running touch src/main/scala/bootstrap/liftweb/Boot.scala in a 3rd
> console
> This causes a recompilation, which causes a jetty restart, which blows
> up with the exceptions.
> Has anybody else seen or fixed this issue?  Should it be useful, I've
> stashed the project 
> at
> including a jetty.log of the output with the full stack traces.
> Wandering into wild-speculation territory (AKA speak and remove all
> doubt) ...
> Based on the jdbc exception, I poked around in the DB code - looking
> at ProtoDBVendor I couldn't see how connections in 'pool' would ever
> be released.  Thus I tried a quick hack in my project to force the
> pool to be empty...
>  DB.defineConnectionManager(DefaultConnectionIdentifier,
>         new StandardDBVendor(
>                              Props.get("db.driver") openOr
> "org.h2.Driver",
>                              Props.get("db.url") openOr
> "jdbc:h2:lift_proto.db",
>                              Props.get("db.user"),
>                              Props.get("db.password")) {
>             override def maxPoolSize = 0
>         })
> This obviously is not a good solution, but it does seem to clear up
> the exceptions when jetty restarts - the theory being that during
> shutdown the old connections are not closed, leading to errors during
> restart since the new connection can't be created.  Forcing an empty
> pool means there is no old connection around to trigger the problem.
> I guess the question out of all that would be - do we need (or is
> there already) a shutdown hook to correspond to the boot hook?  This
> would allow for cleanup in this sort of situation (ie, close any
> connections left in the pool).
> --
> Nathan


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