They aren't. Here are the type signatures for map and flatMap, from  
Box (the type on Seq is the same, but not specialized to the Box  
return type):

def map[B](f: A => B): Box[B]
def flatMap[B](f: A => Box[B]): Box[B]

The key is the return type of "f" -- in map, it always returns what  
goes in the Full box, whereas in flatMap it returns any type of box  
(which could be empty, failure, etc).

To illustrate better, here are some examples:

def f1(i: Int): String = i.toString

Full(1).map(f1) // result is Full("1")
Full(2).map(f1) // result is Full("2") // result is Empty (f1 never applied)
Failure(...).map(f1) // result is Failure (f1 never applied)

def f2(i: Int): Box[String] = if (i % 2 == 0) Full(i.toString) else  
Failure("number is not even")

Full(1).flatMap(f2) // result is Failure("number is not even", ...)
Full(2).flatMap(f2) // result is Full("2")
Empty.flatMap(f2) // result is Empty (f2 never applied)
Failure(...).flatMap(f2) // result is Failure (f2 never applied)

As you can see, functions passed to map can never "fail", that is,  
they can never cause a Box to become empty. The result of a map is as  
empty as the input to it.

Conversely, with flatMap the function passed in can "fail", making a  
non-Full box.

So, flatMap is used for chaining together computations (functions)  
that can fail, whereas map is used for computations that can't fail  
(barring exceptions)

This ties in with the collection-like view of a Box, which can be  
views as a single-element collection (Full) or empty collection  
(Empty, Failure) where the empty collection might have some extra  
information about why the collection is empty.

In your case, asLong is:

def asLong(s: String): Box[Long]

So if you used map:

Full("1234").map(asLong) // result is Full(Full(1234)), because the  
result of asLong went into the Full that map creates

Conversely, flatMap removes a level of structure:

Full("1234").flatMap(asLong) // result is Full(1234)

Hope that helps,

On Jan 5, 2010, at 10:45 AM, Jim Wise wrote:

>>> I can answer b) -- S.param("image").flatMap(asLong)
>>> asLong comes from BasicTypesHelpers.
>>> -Ross
> One more quick question about this, more of a Scala question really:
> I've noticed both here and in the examples that there is a tendency to
> use flatMap() instead of map().  I understand the differences between
> the two, but am not sure why flatMap is preferred when there aren't
> Lists involved.  Any reason?  Aren't the two interchangeable in this
> case?
> Thanks,
> -- 
>                               Jim Wise


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