I'm new to scala and lift, and I've been hacking with a LiftActor used
to a local mail server for development based on the post by Ryan

However the code in that post uses ActorPing.scheduledAtFixedRate
which has been removed in the lift 1.1-M8 which I'm using, and it also
looks like LiftActors are now the preferred actor library to use.

Question 1:  Given that my LiftActor has to do some cleanup at
shutdown, is a LiftActor even appropriate or should I look at regular
scala actors?  If LiftActor is still usable in that scenario, how can
my LiftActor get a notification that it needs to do cleanup?  The
particular problem I'm having is that Jetty restarts when I change
code, but the smtp server is still bound to the mail port so the
restart fails.  I need to stop the mail server when Jetty restarts.

Question 2: Is there an easier way to configure mail locally for
development?  I know I could create a gmail account and put the
credentials in Boot.scala, but I was hoping for something self-
contained on my local machine.

Here's my code if that helps (probably not since I'm new to scala it
is probably pretty bad):

package com.chariotsolutions.liftexpo

import scala.collection.jcl.MutableIterator.Wrapper
import net.liftweb.util._
import net.liftweb.util.Helpers._
import net.liftweb.actor._
import net.liftweb.common._
import com.dumbster.smtp._

object DumbMail extends LiftActor  {

        private var server : Box[SimpleSmtpServer] = Empty
    private var port : Int = 25

    implicit def javaIteratorToScalaIterator[A](it : java.util.Iterator
[A]) = new Wrapper(it)

        def boot(port:Int) = {
            println("DumbMail booting")
        this.port = port
        ActorPing.schedule(this, DumbMailEvent, 5 seconds)

        private def restartServer {
        server = Full(SimpleSmtpServer.start(port))

        private def stopServer {
                server = Empty

    protected def messageHandler = {
        case DumbMailEvent => {
              println("DumbMailEvent received")
              server match {
                  case Full(s) => {
                      if (s.getReceivedEmailSize > 0) {
                          //val msgs = new Wrapper(s.getReceivedEmail)
                          //val msgs = new IteratorWrapper
(s.getReceivedEmail.asInstanceOf [java.util.Iterator[SmtpMessage]])
                          for (anyMsg <- s.getReceivedEmail) {
                              val msg = anyMsg.asInstanceOf[SmtpMessage]
                              println("RECEIVED EMAIL
                              println("From: " + msg.getHeaderValue("From"))
                              println("To: " + msg.getHeaderValue("To"))
                              println("Subject: " + msg.getHeaderValue
                              println("Body: " + msg.getBody)
                          restartServer // reset state
                  case _ => // do nothing
        ActorPing.schedule(this, DumbMailEvent, 5 seconds)
        case _ => println("Unexpected event received")

case object DumbMailEvent
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