Hi liftweb-list !

Happy New Year to all !

Well, I have an issue with sitemap submenus.

Using the following code :
    val entries = SiteMap(Menu(Loc("Home", "index" :: Nil , ?("Home"))),
              Menu(Loc("Authors", "authors" :: "list" :: Nil, ?("Author
*                               Menu(Loc("Test", "authors" :: "test" :: Nil,
?("Author Test")))),*
              Menu(Loc("Add Author", "authors" :: "add" :: Nil, ?("Add
Author"), Hidden)),
              Menu(Loc("Books", "books" :: "list" :: Nil, ?("Book List"))),
              Menu(Loc("Add Book", "books" :: "add" :: Nil, ?("Add Book"),
              Menu(Loc("BookSearch", "books" :: "search" :: Nil, ?("Book

Expected result :
- the menu is displayed and a "Author Test" entry is present
    *  Home
    *  Author List
*       * Author Test*
    *  Book List
    *  Book Search

Current result :
- the menu is displayed but no "Author Test" entry is present
    *  Home
    *  Author List
    *  Book List
    *  Book Search

Before the last mvn -U xxx my submenis where displayed correctly.

Is there a known issue or am I missing something ?

To reproduce the problem :
- http://github.com/jlcanela/scalajpademo
- change Boot.scala (line 53) and use the modified "entries" sitemap

Jean-Luc Canela
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