Thanks for your reply,

But I would like them combine with Menu tightly, so I could setup them
only in my Model, just like CRUDify trait.

In the end, I created a Loc subclass myself, and use it to handle all
the rewrite stuff, it seems works pretty
well and make thing much simpler (at least for me), so I post the code

Feel free to use it if anybody need this.

 *  A RESTful-like URL handling Loc
 *  If you have the following templates:
 *    * webapps/item/edit.html
 *    * webapps/item/view.html
 *  You want the following URL map to corresponding template with
 *  last path component as a S parameter.
 *    http://localhost/item/edit/1  to  http://localhost/item/edit
 *    http://localhost/item/view/1  to  http://localhost/item/view
 *  You could create a Menu with this Loc class in your Model object.
 *  <code>
 *  object Item extends Item with LongKeyedMetaMapper[Item]
 *  {
 *      // Other methods here...
 *      def menu () {
 *          // What methods do we have?
 *          val methods = List ("view", "edit")
 *          val parameterName = "itemID"
 *          val itemLoc = new RESTfulLoc("Item", List("item"),
 *                                       methods, parameterName)
 *          Menu (itemLoc)
 *      }
 *  }
 *  </code>
 *  Now add the menu to SiteMap in Boot.boot
 *  <code>
 *  class Boot {
 *      def boot () {
 *          val entries = ::  Nil
 *          LiftRules.setSiteMap(SiteMap(entries:_*))
 *      }
 *  }
 *  </code>
 *  Finally, You could access the parameter in your snippet with
 *  S.param("itemID")
class RESTfulLoc (val name: String, val path: List[String],
                  val text: LinkText[Unit], val methods: List[String],
                  val parameterName: String,
                  val locParams: LocParam[Unit]*) extends Loc[Unit]
    override val defaultValue = Full(())
    override val params = locParams.toList
    override val link: Link[Unit] = (List(path.first), true)

    def this (name: String, path: List[String], text: LinkText[Unit],
              methods: List[String], locParams: LocParam[Unit]*) =
        this (name, path, text, methods, "id", locParams:_*)

    private def isTarget (path: ParsePath) =
        path.partPath -- this.path match {
            case List (action, id) => {
                (methods contains action) && id != "index"
            case _ => false

    override def rewrite = Full (NamedPF("RESTfulLoc")
        case RewriteRequest (path, _, _) if isTarget(path) => {
             val parameter = path.partPath.last
             val action    = path.partPath.init
             val data      = Map (parameterName -> parameter)

             RewriteResponse(action, data) -> ()

On 1月10日, 下午4時55分, Marius <> wrote:
> Or you could use something like if you'r building REST API's:
> LiftRules.dispatch.append {
>    case Req("test" :: _, suffix, reqType) => // return a () =>
> LiftResponse
> }
> or for non REST API you could use
> LiftRules.statefulRewrite.append {
> case RewriteRequest(ParsePath("test" :: _, _, _, _), reqType, request)
> => ...
> }
> Br's,
> Marius
> On Jan 10, 7:32 am, Brian Hsu <> wrote:
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