On Jan 11, 10:27 am, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen <je...@ingolfs.dk> wrote:
> Naftoli Gugenheim <naftoli...@gmail.com> writes:
> > A while ago I started working on having separate parsers and formatters in 
> > LiftRules for date, date-time, and time values. These could then be used by 
> > Mapped(Date)(Time).
> Great!
> > I would like to continue working on it, and I would appreciate feedback on 
> > the following point.
> > Marius pointed out that it may be a smarter idea, that instead of putting 
> > all six variables in LiftRules itself, I should group them together 
> > somehow. Here are some possibilities of how to do so. I would appreciate if 
> > everyone could vote on one of these ideas or suggest another way.
> > 1. Where?
> >   - Put them outside of LiftRules, in a new object called something like 
> > FormattingRules
> >   - Create an object inside LiftRules, so you would end up writing 
> > 'LiftRules.formatRules.formatDateTime ...'
> >   - Stick it in TimeHelpers (XXXHelpers are usually not configuration but 
> > predefined routines)
> >   - Just put it in LiftRules (so what if it just keeps growing)
> I think the rules should be in LiftRules somehow, and I can envision at
> least 12 functions (date,time,date/time,int,double,currency) I think
> some grouping is needed. But probably also  with helpers in
> TimeHelpers so we don't have to type LiftRules.formatRules.format.....
> I haven't given much thought to this, but maybe a generic trait like
> trait Conversion[T] {
>   def format(v:T) : String
>   def parse(s:String): T
> }
> could be used?

I'm not sure if a trait is necessary. Something like
LiftRules.conversionRules.xxx makes sense to me where conversion is in
LiftRules something like:

val conversionRules = ConversionRules


object ConversionRules {

  // put here conversions from LiftRules

I'd even put this in its own scala file.

> > 2. What to call the container
> >  - It includes both parsing and formatting, so neither is an accurate
> >  name at first glance, but then again parsing is not formatting a a
> >  verb but it deals with a particular format
> Conversion?
> >   - Currently it only deals with java.util.Date, so one could suggest 
> > DateRules, but other similar configuration could go here -- formatting 
> > numbers? Any other possible future additions?
> Currency, int (with/without thousand separator), double (with/without
> thousand separator, "," or "." as decimal sep etc)
> >   - 'Text' after java.text?
> >   - Any good ideas?
> > Thanks!
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