I have added the demo code on the Github now.
  ( Mabye it's a bug with DB.runQuery and DB.use in the two db
vender )

  Here is the address:

  Thanks very much!


On Jan 21, 11:26 am, "Neil.Lv" <anim...@gmail.com> wrote:
>   My email is :   anim...@gmail.com
> On Jan 21, 11:17 am, "Neil.Lv" <anim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Mabye it's a bug with DB.runQuery and DB.use in the two db vender !!!!
> > Two question: (problem)
> > 1: I don't know why the HelloWorld snippet code will be execute 2
> > times in this code. (See the HelloWorld.scala file.)
> > 2: The dbDefaultConnectionIdentifier method in the Model that it works
> > fine when using Mapper's method such as ModelName.findAll(),
> > it doesn't work when using DB.runQuery and DB.use(...) --- (Maybe it
> > can't find the default db identifier)
> > The question 2 I test it many times that found this problem.
> > In the test app , the Hot.getHots2 and Hot.getHots3 method can't work.
> > I comment the code now in the HelloWorld.scala file, you can try it.
> > ########
> >   I can push the code on the github, and get this errors "fatal:
> > unable to fork"
> >   So If anyone know what's wrong with it and I can send the demo.tar
> > file through the email.
> >   Thanks very much!
> > ########
> > Cheers,
> >   Neil
> > On Jan 21, 1:56 am, "Neil.Lv" <anim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >   The DB.runQuery can works now, but the DB.prepareStatement also
> > > cant' work.
> > >   Here is the test app address:
> > >  http://github.com/anim510/two_db_demo
> > > Cheers,
> > >   Neil
> > > On Jan 21, 1:16 am, "Neil.Lv" <anim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > >    Thank you very much,
> > > >    But it doesn't work yet, maybe because of using two db connections.
> > > >    I'll test it later again.
> > > > On Jan 21, 12:44 am, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen <je...@ingolfs.dk> wrote:
> > > > > "Neil.Lv" <anim...@gmail.com> writes:
> > > > > > Hi all,
> > > > > >   I use two db connections in my app, and I want to use
> > > > > > DB.prepareStatement to select
> > > > > > the records from the second db.
> > > > > >   It failed, Here is the code:
> > > > > > ###
> > > > > >   def getHotByTid(id : Long) =
> > > > > >     DB.use(bootstrap.liftweb.TwoDB) {
> > > > > >       conn =>
> > > > > >      DB.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM hots WHERE id=? ", conn) {
> > > > > >              stmt =>
> > > > > >                      stmt.setLong(1, id)
> > > > > > Log.info("stmt :" + stmt)   // The information is correctly now, but
> > > > > > after call executeUpdate method
> > > > > >                      stmt.executeUpdate()
> > > > > >       }
> > > > > >    }
> > > > > Not sure what your problem is really, but I think you should use
> > > > > DB.runQuery to execute a select statement
> > > > > Ie
> > > > >   val (_,result) = DB.runQuery("SELECT COUNT(*), contract_length  
> > > > > FROM "+
> > > > >                     "vehicles_current v "+
> > > > >                     "WHERE v.account_id=? "+
> > > > >                     "GROUP BY contract_length "+
> > > > >                     "ORDER BY contract_length",
> > > > >                     List(42))
> > > > > /Jeppe
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