Lift session management works based on session id denominated by
cookies or url-rewriting.

However Lift support stateless requests processing. You could look
into LiftRules.statelessDispatchTable for having scala functions
process your request and then return a LiftResponse, or

LiftRules.statelessRewrite for rewriting requests very early thus
transforming them into some other forms.


On Jan 23, 4:52 am, Nolan Darilek <> wrote:
> I'm porting an app I've written in Ruby over to Scala and Lift, and I'm
> wondering if Lift and Java's sessions can accomplish what I'm attempting.
> The app is mostly XMPP-based, though there is a web interface for
> configuration. Both run in the same process, because some changes from
> the web interface need to be reflected instantly in the XMPP interface,
> and I'd rather not have a separate message-passing layer out-of-process.
> Users don't log in with a username and password. Instead, they send an
> XMPP command and are sent a temporary URL. The URL vanishes after a
> certain timeout, and can also be reset by resending the command.
> In Ruby, I generate a GUID which I periodically time out, tracking last
> access times via the web app. I'm wondering, though, if Lift's sessions
> can achieve this? I'm not immediately sure where to look, but if anyone
> could give me pointers for the following requirements, that'd rock.
> 1. Visiting the app without a session ID param shouldn't generate a new
> session. Basically, index.html will just be mostly static, providing
> info on the service itself.
> 2. If the "config" command is sent via XMPP, the bot should first search
> all sessions for any matching the user's JID, destroying one if it
> exists. It should then create another, passing the user back a URL to
> the app with a jsessionid parameter. So I need to somehow associate
> arbitrary properties with sessions and find one based on those. Note
> that the sessions still need to be addressable via unique strings to
> maintain some level of security.
> 3. Visiting a URL with a jsessionid parameter should whipe out any
> sessions set in cookies. Actually, since the web configuration interface
> is just two forms, I'm likely fine with disabling cookie-based sessions
> entirely and just passing around jsessionids if that would make things
> easier.
> Can anyone offer any pointers as to where to begin looking? Or am I
> totally off base here? I tried glancing over LiftSession, but that left
> me even more confused as to whether or not an XMPP app can create
> sessions and pass off their URLs.

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