I have changed the code. use this code in the G:\project\test\project
\TestProject.scala file,
and get this error.

> The jetty val you are overriding is an internal val that you shouldn't
> be doing anything with. If you change that line to:
> val jetty6 = "org.mortbay.jetty" % "jetty" % "6.1.22" % "test->default"

   Here is the error message, i use "mvn jetty:run" to start the
server and it works fine, but instead of using "sbt jetty" and get
this error that can't find the value net ?


G:\project\test>sbt jetty

G:\project\test>set SCRIPT_DIR=G:\cygwin\home\

G:\project\test>java -Xmx64M -jar "G:\cygwin\home\sbt-
launcher-0.5.6.jar" jetty
[info] Building project test 1.0 using TestProject
[info]    with sbt 0.5.6 and Scala 2.7.7
[info] == compile ==
[info]   Source analysis: 10 new/modified, 0 indirectly invalidated, 0
[info] Compiling main sources...
[error] G:\project\test\src\main\scala\com\test\lib
\DepencyFactory.scala:3: not found: value net
[error] import net.liftweb._
[error]        ^
[error] G:\project\test\src\main\scala\com\test\lib
\DepencyFactory.scala:16: wrong number of arguments for construct
or Object: ()java.lang.Object
[error]   implicit object time extends FactoryMaker(Helpers.now _)
[error]                                ^
[error] G:\project\test\src\main\scala\com\test\snippet
\HelloForm4.scala:4: value net is not a member of package <ro
[error] import _root_.net.liftweb.util._

   I don't know what's wrong with it.

> A colleague of mine did a skeleton project for sbt. It may give you
> some hints how to proceed.
> http://github.com/vvilhonen/SBT-Lift-Skeleton
   OK, I'll try it again.

   Thanks very much!


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