Heh, Indrajit, now I know why you were excited about the GitHub API I used in 
my app! :)
It seems to me that the labels in lift's github issues fall into 3 categories: 
owner, component, and status (some statuses should really be a separate boolean 
field, not mutually exclusive to other statuses). So I suppose you'll have to 
create the custom fields and values in Assembla first, and write a script to 
convert from labels to that. Feel free to use the relevant bit of code from my 
app. Note that I left out the comments field by mistake (not sure how to put 
that into Assembla offhand). Also you may want to handle the github xml (or 
whatever format you use) in a way that you are notified of any xml you didn't 
use (the API page does not list all fields or spec the exact format). Also as 
you can see my date parsing is brittle because Java can't parse their format 
exactly to my knowledge.
Anyway, wishing you smooth sailing!

David Pollak<feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com> wrote:


On today's committer call, we made the final decision to move the Lift
ticketing system from GitHub to Assembla.  We made the decision to move
ticketing systems because the current GitHub ticket system, while visually
pretty, is slow, lacks support for ordinal ordering (bug priority, milestone
dates, etc.), is difficult to use for more than 40 open tickets, doesn't
allow attachments, etc.

I personally would have preferred to move to a home-grown system built on
top of Derek's LiftTicket system.  Unfortunately, we did not find a prime
maintainer (owner) for enhancing LiftTicket code.... someone who could
evolve the code into something similar to Trac or other systems. If Derek
winds up having more time or if someone else shows long term dedication to
LiftTicket, the choice of moving to LiftTicket remains open.

I vetoed Trac because it's got a horrid UI.

Assembla has a nice ticketing system (it's used by the Akka and Clojure
teams and well regarded by both teams.)

Over the next week, we'll be migrating from the GitHub ticket system to
Assembla: https://liftweb.assembla.com/spaces/liftweb/tickets  Specifically:

   - Indrajit will spearhead the migration of existing tickets to the new
   - For the committers, I will invite you to join the project via
   Assembla's invitation system
   - For the community, please start opening tickets at Assembla.  Once we
   get our existing tickets moved over, we'll disable the GitHub ticketing

One of the side benefits of the new system is that we'll relax the "discuss
the defect on the list first" policy as the Assembla ticketing system allows
for a more robust mechanism for changing the state of tickets.



Lift, the simply functional web framework http://liftweb.net
Beginning Scala http://www.apress.com/book/view/1430219890
Follow me: http://twitter.com/dpp
Surf the harmonics

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