
I have only tried to do a couple of things with the Facebook module
(I'm using 2.0-M1) and I have gotten some of the stuff to actually
work :)

Photo upload would be something like this:

import java.io.File
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils
import net.liftweb.ext_api.facebook._
import scala.xml._

FacebookRestApi.apiKey = "your api key"
FacebookRestApi.secret = "secret"

// Get a user to login to Facebook with a link like
http://www.facebook.com/login.php?v=1.0&api_key="your api key"
// If you mess around with the Facebook settings you will get FB to
// redirect the user back to your app with a token as a query param

val authToken = "as described previously"
val client = FacebookClient.fromAuthToken(authToken).get
val photo = new File(...)
val bytes = FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(photo)
val resp = client !? UploadPhoto("test.jpg", "jpg", bytes)
val photoUrl = (resp \\ "link").text

Getting a list of friends:
val resp = client !? GetFriends()

Some real documentation and examples sure would be nice!


On Feb 3, 9:00 am, celestocalculus <celestocalcu...@yahoo.co.uk>
> Hello,
> I'm an intermediate lift developer. Suddenly, it has become my first
> choice framework for web applications. I really think it's a nice
> framework you guys are doing a great job.
> I'm new on facebook application development and I have been looking at
> the liftweb facebook API. I really don't know how to put this but I'm
> just blank, I don't know where to start. I would really appreciate it
> if I get a step by step explanation. All the book I got on facebook
> apps are on php and I find it difficult to match the php codes to
> their corresponding lift counterparts.
> Please I'll also appreciate sample codes, please let it be step by
> step and on point.
> Thanks in advance.

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