On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 9:48 PM, Alex Black <a...@alexblack.ca> wrote:
> hey guys, I love the enthusiasm, but putting a unique value on the css
> filenames seems like a hack, surely we can do better?
> Whats supposed to happen is:
> - browser requests resource (e.g. styles.css) with a conditonal get
> (if newer than X)
> - server checks to see if resource is newer than X
> - if it is new than x then: return resource
> - if it is not newer than x, then return 304 not modified

Yes, that's how it should work if everything was configured correctly
(which I think it wasn't for the OP)

But what we were discussing (at least I was :-) was more that Lift
should serve resources with an "Expires" date in the far future. That
way the browser will only make a single request for a resource (as
long as the file is cached). This works well for returning visitors.
But of course an updated resource should be fetched, hence the unique

Combining individual files will improve load times for first time
visitors by reducing the number of requests.


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