On Feb 18, 9:14 am, Petr Pudlak <petr....@gmail.com> wrote:
>     Hi all,
> I've written my first application using Lift and now I'm deploying it
> into a production. I find it inconvenient that the run mode is
> specified as a JVM system property.
> First, sometimes JVM system properties are inaccessible, for example
> when deploying to a hosted servlet container.
> Second, it's impossible to run different lift applications with
> different run modes in a single
> servlet container.

I have sympathy for your first point, but am suspicious about the
second point.  I generally don't recommend running applications in
different "modes"/environments on a single servlet container because
you run the risk that a destabilizing factor in Dev or QA could impact
a Production system, for example.  A dev servlet container instance
that hosted just dev instances, for example, would make sense, but
these would share the same run.mode.

> Generally, I believe that a *Java web application shouldn't be
> configured by JVM system properties*. I suggest that the run mode
> should be configured by a servlet context initialization parameter,
> called for example "lift.run.mode". Or, for maximum flexibility, both
> alternatives should be provided.

Servlet context initialization parameters break down because the
servlet configuration is baked into the artifact, yet the goal is to
run the same artifact across several environments.  (Sure, there are
things like the global web.xml, but if you can't access system
properties, I don't see how you will change the global web.xml.)

Any other ideas?

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