I'm trying to add robots.txt and a sitemap.xml to a web site.  My
Boot.scala has a snippet that looks like

    val entries =   Menu(Loc("Home", List("index"), "Home")) ::
                    galleryMenu :: servingYouMenu ::
socialSitesMenu :: aboutUsMenu ::
                    Menu(Loc("ContactUs", List("ContactUs"), "Contact
Us")) ::
                    Menu(Loc("robots", List("robots.txt"),
"robots.txt", Hidden)) ::
                    Menu(Loc("sitemap", List("sitemap.xml"),
"sitemap.xml", Hidden)) ::Nil

The robots.txt file shows up right away, but I get a 404 when I try to
access /sitemap.xml .  I have a static sitemap.xml that I want to
include.  I tried this as a static xml file in the webapp directory.
I also tried it without the explicit '.xml', but I had the same
results.  I tried to make it look more like my html, so I added a
sitemap-tempate.xml in templates-hidden and had the sitemap.xml
reference that.

Eventually, I would like to generate the sitemap.xml from the SiteMap
assuming that the user has not logged into the application.  I would
also assume that for most users, a default robots.txt would be easy to
generate.  This seems like something of general utility that would be
a good chance to learn more about Lift.

Can anyone explain how to display the simple, static sitemap.xml.  I'm
sure this is a newbie mistake, but I'm not seeing it on my own.

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