I am thoroughly confused on this one, so any help is greatly
appreciated.  I am using eclipse and my directory structure looks like
- com.xxx.web.model

- com.xxx.web.model

I can run the specs when I run the project as a JUnit test, but if I
run it as maven test, I am getting NoClassDefFoundError exceptions
(partial stacktrace below).  Obviously maven is not finding the output
from the classes to execute the tests, but I can't figure out why,
since JUnit is doing fine with it.  They ran fine 2 days ago but I did
a massive overhaul of my project namespacing and upgrading
dependencies, and now I am getting this.

I am using scala 2.7.7, junit 4.7, lift 2.0 M2, and specs 1.6.2.

And what's odd is that I have 2 libraries that I build separately (jar
file targets, not war files) that run fine with maven test.  Any ideas
are hugely appreciated!

Test set: com.sharperfinancial.web.model.PeriodResultSpecsAsTest
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.513
sec <<< FAILURE!
PeriodResult should Store values  Time elapsed: 0.01 sec  <<< ERROR!
org.specs.runner.UserError: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/
        at com.sharperfinancial.web.model.PeriodResultSpecs$$anonfun$1$
        at com.sharperfinancial.web.model.PeriodResultSpecs$$anonfun$1$
        at org.specs.specification.LifeCycle
        at org.specs.specification.Examples.withCurrent(Examples.scala:52)
        at org.specs.specification.Examples$$anonfun$specifyExample
        at org.specs.specification.Examples$$anonfun$specifyExample
        at org.specs.specification.ExampleExecution$$anonfun$3$$anonfun$apply
        at scala.Option.getOrElse(Option.scala:61)
        at org.specs.specification.LifeCycle
        at org.specs.specification.ExampleContext$$anonfun$executeExpectations
        at org.specs.specification.ExampleContext$$anonfun$executeExpectations
        at scala.Option.map(Option.scala:70)

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