On Mar 8, 11:02 am, Peter Robinett <pe...@bubblefoundry.com> wrote:
> Marius,
> I love the simplicity of your proposal but I think that's also its
> problem. Let's say I have something with several dependencies:
> <lift:MySnipet.work>
>   <lift:dependencies>
>     <script src="dep1.js"/>
>     <script src="dep2.js"/>
>     <script src="myLib.js"/>
>    // you got the idea
>   </lift:dependencies>
>   // specific tags
> </lift:MySnipet.work>
> As you can see, the user may as well be writing raw XHTML for a head
> tag: they're required to know all the dependencies and put them in the
> correct order.
> Of course library authors can make this easier by writing snippets and
> such that provide the dependencies:
> def flotSelectableJS =
>   <lift:dependencies>
>     <script src="/classpath/jquery.js"/>
>     <script src="/classpath/jquery.flot.js"/>
>     <script src="/classpath/jquery.flot.selectable.js"/>
>   </lift:dependencies>
> However, there is no representation of the Javascript files and their
> individual dependencies independent on the XML tags and the order in
> which they are placed. This is why I like using a Scala class better:
> a developer can look at any instance of a Javascript file class and
> see its dependencies without having to do any (easy) XML querying,
> only converting the instance to XML when necessary. I guess one reason
> I am pushing this approach is that I'm thinking in terms of lift-flot,
> where the user does all their manipulation of the charts in straight
> Scala, not Javascript or XHTML. This is also corresponds to how
> various Javascript and jQuery operations are represented in
> net.liftweb.http.js, and I'd like to complement them and continue in
> that vein.

Please feel free to implement your proposal and we'll discuss either
here or on review board.

> Oh, and I definitely want to be able to have conditional snippets like
> you mention, that's a great feature.

"Conditional" snippets are supported today. For instance
TestCond.loggedn or TestCont.loggedOut snippets. Any application can
choose to render or not a snippet especially when talking about nested

> What do you think?
> Peter
> On Mar 6, 11:33 am, Marius <marius.dan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Mar 6, 9:14 pm, Peter Robinett <pe...@bubblefoundry.com> wrote:
> > > Hi guys,
> > > Sorry I'm only coming back to this discussion now. I think what you're
> > > both proposing are the two parts of what should be the complete use-
> > > case. Yes, dependencies _exist_ per page and, yes, you want to
> > > _declare_ them per snippet or CometActor. The last (and only) commit
> > > on my pr1001_issue_branch shows my first stab at managing and
> > > registering the 
> > > dependencies:http://github.com/dpp/liftweb/tree/pr1001_issue_281.
> > > I think it is quite similar to what has been mentioned (compare
> > > JsScript to Marius' JsDependenciesTree, ignoring that his is more
> > > elegant =).
> > > I think my resolve and satisfied_? methods work correctly, though they
> > > still need someone with some CS knowledge to check them (for instance,
> > > I'm not doing any checks for circular dependencies right now). The
> > > only real question is _when_ to call them and how to act upon them. I
> > > was thinking at the snippet level, not the page level. Anything
> > > outputting (X)HTML to the browser needs to be able to register their
> > > dependencies (CometActors by their nature should really only do it in
> > > their initial render) for a page-wide set of dependencies which are
> > > then resolved and merged into the head of the HTML document when the
> > > page is finally rendered.
> > Hmmm ... anything that is outputting (x)html. We have snippets, comet
> > actors, LiftView-s. Any of these can called multiple times but IMHO
> > registration should happen once. For snippets and comet we could a
> > nested snippet such as:
> > <lift:MySnipet.work>
> >   <lift:dependencies>
> >     <script src="bla.js"/>
> >    // you got the idea
> >   </lift:dependencies>
> >   // specific tags
> > </lift:MySnipet.work>
> > <lift:comet ...>
> >   <lift:dependencies>
> >     <script src="bla.js"/>
> >    /// you got the ides
> >   </lift:dependencies>
> >   ...
> > </lift:comet>
> > In this sense we are describing dependencies (could be both js and
> > css) per snippet / per comet. the dependencies snippet could be either
> > eagerly evaluated or not - shouldn't really matter. What it does it
> > just put the script and link tags in a head element that lift will
> > automatically merge.
> > This could also be useful for conditional snippets . Say we have
> > snippet A and snippet B on the same page each having different
> > dependencies. But snippet A is invoked only when the user is logged on
> > and snippet B only when user is logged off. Thus we won't have to
> > modify scala API at all. Cause it seems that Lift already provides the
> > goodies for us. Of course this can work even today if we replace
> > <lift:dependencies> with <head> tag but people would probably find
> > this nomenclature odd.
> > I'm not sure if we should worry about circular dependencies in this
> > case and neither for duplicates as lift head merge mechanism detects
> > duplicates.
> > I think this would cover snippets and comet actors and it should also
> > work for LiftView-s
> > Thoughts ?
> > > So, what if we have something like req.registerDependency(myJsScript)?
> > > The Request would store the dependencies that the LiftResponse would
> > > then take, resolve, and merge into the XHTML it's outputting. However,
> > > CometActors exist outside of normal requests. How do we get around
> > > this? CometActors are created initially in a Request, so we should be
> > > able to connect then but I don't know that part of Lift well enough to
> > > say how.
> > > Jeppe, Marius, what do you think? Am I on the right track? Do my
> > > suggestions address both of your concerns?
> > > Peter
> > > On Mar 1, 7:17 am, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen <je...@ingolfs.dk> wrote:
> > > > Marius <marius.dan...@gmail.com> writes:
> > > > > Yes we do have different perspectives. I'm saying "for page X here
> > > > > these are the JS dependencies" whether you seem to say "here is a
> > > > > snippet, and it needs these dependencies"
> > > > Yes
> > > > > I'd still prefer my paradigm (not because of my ego) because it'd be
> > > > > easier to manage redundancies, it applies generically for snippets,
> > > > > comet actors etc. without having to induce other type of API. It is
> > > > > maybe coarse grained vs. your proposal that seems to me finner
> > > > > grained.
> > > > I think the two can co-exist, although I haven't thought it through wrt
> > > > comet actors etc. That was what I was hinting at in the previous
> > > > mail. At the of the day (or before sending a response at least :-) a
> > > > page needs to have a well-defined list of script files to include.
> > > > So it makes sense to start with "your" paradigm and "my" paradigm should
> > > > be able to be layered on top if one wishes...
> > > > > However I'd be happy to see an implementation of any of these
> > > > > proposals. Maybe other people would have better ideas so perhaps Peter
> > > > > and/oryou could dig could make this happen?
> > > > I'll let Peter take the lead and help where ever I can :-)
> > > > /Jeppe

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