Oh, my fault, this is really works. Thank you!

There is also an incomplete API available to view at 
> http://lighttable.github.io/LightTable/api/

Yes, that's what I asked for, thanks!

Can I ask another question?) I want to execute shell command via user 
script. I tried to create this command:

(defn get-folder [path]
  (reduce #(str %1 "/" %2) (butlast (.split path "\\"))))

(require '(clojure.java shell))      ;'

(defn exec-shell [file & commands]
  (println (:out (clojure.java.shell/sh "cmd" "/c" (str "cd " (get-folder 
file)) (reduce #(str %1 " & " %2) "" commands)))))

(cmd/command {:command :user.lein-deps
              :desc "User: Lein Deps"
              :exec (fn []
                      (let [ed (lt.objs.editor.pool/last-active)]
                        (exec-shell (-> @ed :info :path) "lein deps")))})

But as I found I can't use clojure or java libs from the user script. So, 
is there a way to execute a shell command from here?

вторник, 21 февраля 2017 г., 6:49:16 UTC+5 пользователь Scott Bauer написал:
> The command snippet appears to work fine if you do not deref `ed`... in 
> other words:
> (cmd/command {:command :user.say-hello
>               :desc "User: Say Hello"
>               :exec (fn []
>                       (let [ed (lt.objs.editor.pool/last-active)]
>                         (lt.objs.editor/center-cursor ed)))})
> should suffice. I was able to successfully use the command to bring the 
> viewport back to the cursor and have the cursor be on the center line. 
> Perhaps there was an issue with the command not being refreshed after 
> compiling changes? If so, you should be able to reopen Light Table and have 
> the modified command available.
> As for full documentation, that is still a work in progress. The gitbook 
> link you provided should eventually contain sufficient plugin development 
> docs. There is also an incomplete API available to view at 
> http://lighttable.github.io/LightTable/api/ . We plan to expand both this 
> year.
> Hope that helps,
> Scott
> On Monday, February 20, 2017 at 11:44:04 AM UTC-5, Max Muranov wrote:
>> I think it's a usual sutiation: I haven't found one useful function in 
>> the light table and want to write it myself. It's a simple function and I 
>> want to just put it to user script. 
>> Found this quick start guide for plugin development: 
>> https://lighttable.gitbooks.io/light-table-developers-guide/content/user-plugin.html
>> Okay but... What about full documentation? I want to use functions that 
>> are not in this guide. 
>> I didn't found something similar to functions docs and assumed that I can 
>> find them in the sources. 
>> https://github.com/LightTable/LightTable/blob/master/src/lt/objs/editor.cljs
>> I found a function in this file and tried to do something simpliest:
>> (cmd/command {:command :user.say-hello
>>               :desc "User: Say Hello"
>>               :exec (fn []
>>                       (let [ed (lt.objs.editor.pool/last-active)]
>>                         (lt.objs.editor/center-cursor @ed)))})
>>                       ;;;;;;;;;;;;(tabs/add-or-focus! hello))})
>> And this causes an exception "TypeError: 
>> lt.objs.editor.__GT_cm_ed.call(...).getCursor is not a function". 
>> What am I doing wrong? And where can I find something similar to plugin 
>> development docs? Help, I can't understand anything =D

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