
I'm using Arch Linux and running LightTable 0.8.1, after the latest update 
to 0.8.1 I've lost the ability to select an item out of the auto-complete 
using the keyboard.  I can only select it by using the mouse which is a 
major hindrance and slows my down.  I've searched online and found posts 
regarding putting keybindings in to not allow for passthrough such as:

[:editor.keys.hinting.active "-enter" :passthrough] 

However, this does nothing for me.  Enter and tab key still close the 
auto-complete and either tab in or go to the next line respectively.  Any 
help here would be greatly appreciated because I can't for the life of me 
get this to work.

Also, as a side note.  I installed the same version on Windows 10 and the 
auto-complete key works just fine.

For the sake of completeness, this is the actual body of my user.keymap:

 [:editor "alt-w" :editor.watch.watch-selection]
 [:editor "alt-shift-w" :editor.watch.unwatch]

 ;; To subtract a keybinding, prefix the key with '-'  e.g.
 ;;  [:app "-ctrl-shift-d" :docs.search.show]

 [:editor.keys.hinting.active "-enter" :passthrough]
 [:tabs "alt-shift-left" :tabs.prev]
 [:tabs "alt-shift-right" :tabs.next]


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