
Does anyone know if its possible to create a custom editor.  What do I mean 
by this?  Lets suppose I have a project, and in that project I have a JSON 
file with a .myfiletype  extension.  Although the file is JSON it has a lot 
of repetitive structures which makes it not so friendly to edit as text.  
What I would like to do is find an editor where I could create a custom 
editor, such that when I open a file with the .myfletype extension instead 
of opening the source code editor it would open a UI (based on 
HTML/CSS/JavaScript) that I created to allow me to interactively edit the 
file through lists, fields, checkboxes, buttons etc.

In the world of modern extensible code editors this seems like a pretty 
basic requirement, yet there are remarkably few (well none actually) 
examples or editors that seem to be able to do that? Would be interested to 
know if Light Table could?



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