Good morning Rusty, Jim, and list,

> I can destroy your node's reputation by routing crap through you; even
> if it costs me marginaly more reputation than it does you, that just
> means that the largest players can force failure upon smaller players,
> centralizing the network.

My understanding of the proposal was that reputation loss would occur only if 
the reply (`update_htlc_fail` or `update_htlc_success`) is delayed; this means 
that for you to force me to lose reputation, you need to somehow make me delay 
my reply.  In particular if you do simple things like give me an invalid onion, 
or make me forward to a payee who does not know the preimage, I do not lose 
reputation by replying very quickly with an `update_htlc_fail`.

Of course, a large player could force reputation loss by delaying reply when 
they receive, and having patsy nodes route to them.  So for instance if it is 
Jim -> ZmnSCPxj -> Rusty, and Rusty activates the 
Blockstream-takes-over-the-world Apocalypse program, the Rusty node would then 
delay for a long time before replying, which makes my reputation suffer.  But 
it also makes Rusty reputation suffer even more and my reaction would be that, 
the next time Jim hands me an HTLC that forwards to Rusty, I would instead 
quickly `update_htlc_fail` back to Jim (which does not lose me significant 
reputation due to my quick response) than risk forwarding it to you, since you 
have a reputation for being slow and unresponsive.

Indeed, another aspect of Jim proposal is that it is extremely local: if Jim 
has no channel to Rusty, then Jim has no opinion about Rusty, only about 
ZmnSCPxj.  However, ZmnSCPxj does have an opinion about Rusty, as ZmnSCPxj has 
channel with Rusty.  If I suffer too much reputation loss due to Rusty, my 
opinion of Rusty drops even faster, and I decide to `update_htlc_fail` in order 
to prevent Jim opinion of me from dropping too much that Jim decides not to 
forward to me (if I have other channels with more reasonable nodes).

But it also looks more and more like a policy of "just `update_htlc_fail`" 
keeps our reputation high: indeed never accepting a forwarding attempt would 
ensure reputation.

However, earning via fees should help provide incentive against "Just 
`update_htlc_fail`" always.  If the goal is "how do I earn money fastest" then 
there is some optimal threshhold of risk-of-reputation-loss vs. 
fee-earnings-if-I-forward that is unlikely to be near the "Just fail it" 
spectrum, but somewhere in between.  We hope.

> And I think trying to ensure that it costs me
> more reputation than the sum of downstream reputation loss leaks too
> much information

Yes, this is a major drawback of the proposal.  The rate at which the sender of 
the HTLC threatens me with reputation loss lets me estimate my distance from 
the ultimate sender of the funds.

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