Good morning Gleb and Antoine,

This is certainly interesting!

Quick question: if I am a routing node and receive a valid stake certificate, 
can I reuse this stake certificate on my own outgoing payments?

It seems to me that the proof-of-stake-certificate should also somehow 
integrate a detail of the current payment (such as payment hash/point) so it 
cannot be reused by routing nodes for their own outgoing payments.

For example, looking only at your naive privacy-broken proposal, the signature 
must use a `sign-to-contract` where the `R` in the signature is actually `R' + 
h(R' | payment_hash)` with the `R'` also revealed.


> Hello list,
> In this post, we explore a different approach to channel jamming mitigation.
> We won’t talk about the background here, for the problem description as well 
> as some proposed solutions (mainly upfront payment schemes), see [1].
> We’re suggesting using UTXO ownership proofs (a.k.a. Stake Certificates) to 
> solve this problem. Previously, these proofs were only used in the Lightning 
> Network at channel announcement time to prevent malicious actors from 
> announcing channels they don’t control. One can think of it as a “fidelity 
> bond” (as a scarce resource) as a requirement for sending HTLCs. 
> We start by overviewing issues with other solutions, and then present a 
> naive, privacy-broken Stake Certificates. Then we examine designing a 
> privacy-preserving version, evaluating them. At the end, we talk about 
> non-trivial design decisions and open questions.
> ## Issues with other proposals
> We find unsatisfying that upfront payment schemes come at a cost of new fees 
> (forward and/or backward), thus inflating payment cost for *any* payment.
> In the future, the upfront base fee might even make “micropayments” 
> economically infeasible by exceeding the value they transfer. Thus, a good 
> solution should not inflate payment cost while still requiring “burning” a 
> scarce resource (so that the attack is not free).
> Another issue with upfront payments is a circular trust dependency. Ideally, 
> we shouldn’t introduce anything less trust-minimized than the Lightning 
> Network itself.
> Upfront payment schemes are not like that, because they in one way or another 
> rely on the honest behavior of route participants.
> We believe Stake Certificates we are going to introduce are satisfactory in 
> both of these directions: they don’t inflate payment costs for honest users 
> and don’t require trust. The main disadvantage of Stake Certificates seems to 
> be the novel cryptography required.
> See more details in the “Evaluation” section.
> ## Channel Ownership Proofs as Routing Credit Balance
> Let’s say Alice wants to relay an HTLC to Carol through Bob. Per the Stake 
> Certificates scheme, she has to commit to a particular channel UTXO by 
> embedding an ownership proof in the onion packet while sending an HTLC to Bob.
> Bob then unwraps the onion and verifies:
> 1) the channel identifier is pointing unambiguously to an on-chain UTXO;
> 2) the ownership proof (e.g., a signature) is valid against the previously 
> disclosed UTXO witness script.
> If all those checks succeed, Bob should see if Alice hasn’t exceeded her 
> credit balance. In case she hasn’t, Bob has to “decrement Alice’s credit 
> balance” and relay the HTLC to Carol.
> Decrementing credit balance unconditionally of packet success or failure 
> bounds liquidity abuse by malicious HTLC senders.
> Since there is no credit assigned initially, “decrementing the credit 
> balance” means just remembering that “Alice spent X out of Y of the credit 
> she received for her Stake Certificates”.
> Unfortunately, this naive protocol is a privacy nightmare, because routing 
> nodes can now easily assign every HTLC they forward to the sender’s UTXO.
> Let’s first define the terms here one more time, and then proceed to the 
> non-naive, private Stake Certificates.
> - Stake Certificate. Either means a solution we’re proposing or the primitive 
> it is based on, namely proof of UTXO ownership. As we will argue later, it 
> actually makes sense to use proof of LN channel UTXO ownership specifically 
> rather than any funds ownership.
> - Stake Certificate value. An amount of the corresponding UTXO or a ballpark 
> this amount provably  belongs to.
> - Credit balance. When Alice provides a routing node Bob with a Stake 
> Certificate, Bob should increase Alice’s routing credit balance. Alice is 
> then limited in her payments by this balance, and this rule is enforced by 
> routing nodes to prevent free channel jamming in the network. Note that 
> ideally “Alice’s credit balance“ should be virtual and only known to Alice, 
> while routing nodes should only observe per-UTXO credit balance. We currently 
> assume that each routing node keeps track of per-UTXO credit balance 
> separately, see “Design decisions” for more details. 
> - Stake-to-credit function defines how much credit balance is given per a 
> Stake Certificate of a given value. This function is a policy of a routing 
> node, and it should be announced.
> - Credit-to-value-transferred function defines how much value a sender can 
> transfer along a given channel considering how much credit they might claim. 
> The function may also consider different factors (e.g., the available 
> capacity of a channel being used) to provide extra robustness.
> ## Privacy-preserving Stake Certificates
> The presented scheme could preserve privacy if it relied on zero-knowledge 
> proofs of UTXO ownership by avoiding pointing to a particular UTXO.
> More specifically, the verifier should be able to check that:
> a) The staked UTXO is an element of the current UTXO set
> b) The prover knows the witness script committed by the UTXO witness program
> c) The prover knows a valid witness for the witness script
> d) The staked UTXO was not used to produce a different Stake Certificate 
> which is currently in use as well.
> The verifier should also have a way to see a Stake Certificate value to 
> properly account for the credit. This can be achieved by restricting the UTXO 
> set being proved upon to only those UTXOs with a specific range of values: “I 
> will prove that I own a UTXO among all UTXOs between 0.5 BTC and 1 BTC”.
> Unfortunately, steps (b) and (c) require zero-knowledge protocols for general 
> statements, which are more experimental primitives than most of the stuff we 
> have in Bitcoin protocols,
> although we assume it’s feasible to consider them for non-consensus stuff.
> ## Evaluation
> Stake Certificates, upfront payment schemes, and other potential solutions 
> (given a particular configuration) may be compared along the following axis:
> 1) Economic feasibility
> 1a) What is the cost of overcoming the protection for an attacker? Likely a 
> non-linear function: sats_spent =f(channels_to_jam, […])
> 1b) How does this solution limit honest users?
> 2) How sophisticated is this solution in terms of integration and making good 
> UX?
> 3) How complex is this solution in terms of protocol design/implementation?
> When it comes to (1a), both Stake Certificates and upfront payments are 
> probably equal, in a way that they’re just best-effort ideas to increase the 
> attack cost. Unfortunately, we currently don’t know how to design something 
> as economically powerful as PoW in Bitcoin [3].
> This aspect can be properly evaluated by applying these ideas to different 
> hypothetical kinds of LN in a simulation and observing the resulting 
> trade-off between (1a) and (1b) considering different attack strategies.
> In the previous sections of this post, we have argued that Stake Certificates 
> may provide a much better (1b) for the cost of (3) because it relies on 
> zero-knowledge.
> When it comes to (2), the design of Stake Certificates may vary in terms of 
> UX burden, from completely automatic to requiring custom actions with private 
> keys from users.
> Some of these trade-offs along with other interesting questions are discussed 
> in the following section.
> ## Design decisions and questions
> #### Should the credit spending be gossipped across the entire network, or 
> should only the routing nodes involved in the payment know?
> Economically, these two approaches are likely to be equivalent, and it’s just 
> a matter of stake-to-credit ratio.
> However, announcing credit spending to the network results in a privacy leak. 
> It also imposes bandwidth and CPU overhead on the routing nodes.
> #### Which zero-knowledge system should be used for Stake Certificates?
> Choosing a ZK system boils down to picking the right trade-offs of proving 
> and verifying time, and assumptions. As we mentioned previously, we would 
> need proving general statements.
> At the same time, we need something cheap in both proving and verification, 
> because Lightning is supposed to be fast.
> At the same time, the setup probably doesn’t matter, because proofs are 
> supposed to be verified only by one participant, a routing node this proof is 
> generated for.
> Perhaps we can also pick any cryptographic assumptions we want since this 
> stuff is not mission-critical and can be easily updated if someone breaks a 
> cryptographic assumption and we observe an attack.
> #### Should we allow holding *any* Bitcoins (not just LN channels) for Stake 
> Certificates?
> This idea might make sense if we’re worried that some LN users might want to 
> send more payments than they can afford per their credit. However, we believe 
> that allowing any UTXO would give an attacker more opportunities to use their 
> cold funds for this attack, or even have a secondary market where holders 
> sell their proofs (they have nothing to loose).
> Instead, we should a) design the credit-to-stake-functions better; b) 
> encourage users send payments across different routing nodes (since credits 
> are not tracked globally) [4].
> #### What’s the best credit-to-value-transferred function?
> We reckon that this function should be not just linear to provide maximum 
> security against malicious channel jammers. For example, we can charge more 
> credit for the last 20% of the capacity of the *channel used for routing*. 
> Alternatively, we could discourage making too many payments from the same 
> UTXO within a short period of time by charging more credit in this case.
> #### What about the interactivity and lifetime of Stake Certificates?
> Interactive proofs mean that they are constructed on demand of a routing 
> node, non-interactive means constructed by a payment sender ahead of time.
> Both interactivity and lifetime have something to do with the ease of 
> producing proof and accessing keys.
> We will omit the details of the trade-off we consider, but it remains an open 
> question.
> #### If Stake Certificates are valid for N blocks after proof generation, 
> does it mean that if the UTXO is spent during those N blocks, new proof can 
> be generated from the same coins without invalidating the old proof?
> Yes, but an attacker would, first of all, have to pay an on-chain fee for 
> this. If we’re still worried about this problem, there are workaround ideas.
> For example, we could have epochs of 100 blocks (every epoch starts at 
> #XYZXYZ00 block). If at the start of an epoch, a channel wasn’t in the UTXO 
> set, it provides very little credit.
> Alternatively, we could expand the zero-knowledge part to proving that the 
> coins were not yet spent.
> #### Should spending a UTXO reveal all Stake Certificates generated from it?
> This would also solve the problem in the previous question, but it would mean 
> a retrospective privacy leak again. To avoid a privacy leak, we should 
> prevent this.
> #### What if malicious Sybil *routing* nodes failing payments causing other 
> honest routing nodes to reduce the credit of an honest payment sender?
> Both Stake Certificates and upfront payment schemes suffer from malicious 
> routing nodes failing the payments and “wasting” the sender’s credit or fees. 
> This problem even applies out of the channel jamming context, when 
> considering payment failure rate.
> This problem can be addressed by reducing the reputation of faulty links and 
> routing nodes on the payment sender node. When payment routing becomes a 
> for-profit activity, this would encourage routing nodes to sanitize their 
> links.
> The mitigation can be even stronger by using “provable blaming” introduced in 
> [2].
> ## Conclusion
> We propose Stake Certificates, a new solution to channel jamming. Perhaps, it 
> might not be the best near-term solution due to the complexity, but the zero 
> satoshi overhead for honest payments is an appealing argument to switch to it 
> in the future.
> This proposal also illustrates how stake-based protocols can solve Sybil 
> challenges in the Bitcoin ecosystem. Since this might be useful in other 
> contexts (Sybil-resistance of many kinds, proof-of-ownership), discussing 
> Stake Certificates is even more useful.
> The next step is a discussion of Stake Certificates. If the community finds 
> it interesting, then we should discuss the design questions mentioned above, 
> and choose a cryptosystem.
> Cheers,
> Gleb Naumenko and Antoine Riard
> ———
> References and footnotes:
> 1.
> 2. 
> 3. We don’t actually suggest PoW to solve these issues, because a) the 
> trade-off between honest user cost and attacker cost is misaligned due to 
> specialized hardware and b) smartphones would die too fast if they have to 
> compute PoW; PoW is just an unreachable example of system robustness due to 
> well-aligned game theory.
> 4. Secondary markets are still possible even if we restrict acceptable proofs 
> to only LN channels, but supply would be much smaller, and markets would work 
> much worse for an attacker.

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