Good morning x raid,

> We are talkin interoperability among impl not individual node operators 
> version management of chosen impl.
> where Pierre of Acinq says
> "So we eat our own dog food and will experience force closes before our users 
> do.."
> hahaha made my day ...
> a node operator do tests live in its continuous integration efforts would be 
> expected and should be able do so with a by impl assured latest stable 
> release version.
> what is suggested for dialog is the different impl maintainers before sign 
> off a stable release do a extra test live on mainnet with liquidity in 
> channels towards the other impl versions and by doing so can catch unforseen 
> glitches that tests of impl in isolation can not catch.

***We developers already ARE running nodes that are connected to other 
implementations, on mainnet, 24/7.***
In practice we have large release windows before we actually make a final 
release, precisely to catch these kinds of bugs that are not easily visible in 
isolation, but need real data on the network.
My own node (C-Lightning) has channels to LNBIG (lnd), and I suspect at least 
some of the unpublished channels made to me are Electrum, for example, so I 
already have a node that is already running against other implementations.

We have been telling you that over several emails already.

Is there any specific thing you can offer?
Put up hardware and coins yourself if you really want this to happen.
I can give you an SSH key so I can install C-Lightning and CLBOSS on your 
hardware myself, then give you the addresses of the C-Lightning node so you can 
provide coins for CLBOSS to manage.

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