Hi all,

Given the recent discussion about the gossip protocol and potential
alternatives, we (Florian Tschorsch, Elias Rohrer and I) wanted to inform you
about a paper we wrote on the convergence delay of routing information in the
Lightning Network. The preprint is available here:

As a summary, here is an excerpt from the paper stating our contributions:

- We analyze the Lightning Network’s gossip protocol in its current state by
  looking at and comparing c-lightning and LND, the two most popular node
  implementations. We measure the delay seen in the real network through a
  passive experiment and catalog the seen gossip messages (specifically all
  channel updates) to understand why and when gossip messages are broadcast by
  nodes. The catalog is also useful to understand which types of channel
  updates are potentially disruptive to payment routing.
- We implemented a simulator capable of simulating the Lightning Network’s
  gossip protocol as well as payments in the Lightning Network. We can boot-
  strap our simulation from historical topology data and replay recorded gossip
  messages. We use the simulation to gain further inside into how the gossip
  protocol operates and where its inefficiencies lie.
- We evaluate the use of alternative message propagation mechanisms in the
  Lightning Network. Through simulation, we compare flooding, a structured
  broadcast utilizing the channel graph topology, inventory based gossip, as
  well as efficient set reconciliation using Minisketch.

According to our measurements of the convergence delay, it takes 359.9 seconds
on average until a node sees a message after it was broadcast, with 95% of
nodes seeing messages after 753 seconds and 100% of nodes seeing messages after
2,500 seconds.

An interesting result from dissecting samples of recorded gossip was that ~50%
of all channel updates were keep alive updates (i.e. updates that only differ
in the timestamp). Reducing the number of keep alives could have multiple
benefits for the network. Besides reducing the bandwidth usage for each node we
show through simulations that, due to the parameter choices of LND's staggered
broadcast, the convergence delay would be smaller if less keep alive updates
were broadcast.

We were not able to pinpoint exactly why this many keep alive updates are
circulating in the network and we are curious if anyone has more insights into
this. The following is a list of node IDs that broadcast more than 200 keep
alive updates within 10 hours during one of our gossip recordings (30th October


If you operate one of these nodes, we would be interested to here about your
set up. (What implementation are you running? Are you using any automated fee

If results like these are interesting to you, then you might want to give the
whole a paper a read. We would be thrilled to hear your thoughts/feedback.

Best regards,
Niklas Gögge
Lightning-dev mailing list

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