Hi list,

The following post describes a potential attack vector against eltoo-based
Lightning channels, from my understanding also including the recent
two-party eltoo w/ punishment construction. While I think this concern has
been known for a while among devs, and I believe it's mitigable by adopting
an adequate fee-bumping strategy, I still wonder how exactly it affects
eltoo-based constructions.

AFAICT, the eltoo 2-stage proposal relies on a serie of pre-signed update
transactions, of which in the optimistic case only one of them confirms.
There is a script-spend path, where an update transaction N can spend an
update transaction K, assuming K<N and an aggregated musig for the

The attack purpose is to delay the confirmation of the final settlement
transaction S, to double-spend a HTLC forwarded by a routing hop. I.e you
have Ned the routing hop receiving the HTLC from Mallory upstream and
sending the HTLC to Malicia downstream. Thanks to the cltv_expiry_delta,
the HTLC forward should be safe as Ned can timeout the HTLC on the
Ned-Malicia link before it is timed-out by Mallory on the Mallory-Ned link.
In case of timeout failure, Malicia can claim the HTLC forward with the
corresponding preimage, at the same block height than Mallory timeout the
HTLC, effectively double-spending Ned.

The cltv_expiry_delta requested by Ned is equal to N=144.

The attack scenario works in the following way: Malicia updates the Eltoo
channel N time, getting the possession of N update transactions. At block
A, she breaks the channel and confirms the update transaction 0 by
attaching a feerate equal to or superior to top mempool block space + 1
sat. At each new block, she iterates by confirming the next update
transaction, i.e update transaction 1 at block A+1, update transaction
transaction 2 at block A+2, update transaction 3 at block A+3, ...

>From Ned's viewpoint, there is limited rationality of the network mempools,
as such each punishment transaction R, as it's confirmation could have been
delay due to "honest" slow propagation on the network is likely to be
pre-signed with top mempool block space feerate, but not more to save on
fees. Therefore, transaction RN.0 should fail to punish update transaction
0 as it's double-spent by update transaction 1, transaction RN.1 should
fail to punish update transaction 1 as it's double-spent by update
transaction 2, transaction RN.2 should fail to punish update transaction 2
as it's double-spent by update transaction 3...

While there is a RBF-race, I think this can be easily won by Malicia by
mass-connecting on the transaction-relay network and ignoring the Core
transaction-relay delay timers (here for privacy purposes iirc).

If it holds, I think the attack is economically opportun as long as the sum
of the chain of update transactions weight multiplied by the spent feerate
is inferior to the sum of HTLC values stolen (upper bounded to
`max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat`, not `funding_satoshis`). The attack could
be more sound in periods of low-fee, as the number of HTLC exploitable is

A mitigation could be for a fee-bumping strategy to adopt a scorched
approach when the HTLC-timeout is approaching, and there is a corresponding
incoming HTLC. When the HTLC-timeout is near expiration (e.g X blocks from
incoming HTLC expiry), probably 100% of the HTLC value should be burnt in
update transaction fees.

I think some implementations in the LN-penalty are already doing "upward"
fee-bumping frequency, while I believe it reduces the attack surface, I
still think there is an exploitable window for "update overflow" attack.
E.g in LDK justice transactions are bumped by 25% every block according to
a height timer schedule [0].

Assuming the attack holds, and scorched approach are adopted by default to
mitigate this concern, there is a second-order concern, we might open
Lightning channels to miner-harvesting attacks, where the confirmation of
the update transactions are deferred to kick-out the scorched earth
reaction of the fee-bumping engine. In my opinion, this would be still an
improvement, as we're moving a (plausible) security risk triggerable by a
Lightning counterparty to (hypothetical) one triggerable by a wide
coalition of miners.

There is another caveat, it sounds if the update transaction can be
malleable (i.e SIGHASH_SINGLE|ANYONECANPAY), update transactions across
Lightning channels could be aggregated by the attacker, changing the
economy there in a way defavorable to the victims. I.e the attacker can
select the targeted channels, but the victim cannot coordinate with each
other to respond with a collective fee-bumping.

Is the understanding of the two-party eltoo construction correct, and this
"update overflow" attack is sound and economically opportun ? If it holds,
I still wonder if we have variants playing with mempool descendant limits.
In all cases, it sounds to me the implications are more in the way
fee-bumping is implemented by Lightning softwares rather than directly on
eltoo-based constructions, I don't see an immediate way to address it by
the construction itself.

Mistakes and confusions are my own.


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