Hi List,

I am creating an app to manage your Bitcoin Lightning Node, but I am struggling 
to find a good solution to connect to the plethora of back ends that are 
available now. Especially via web, where I am encountering CORS errors, which 
would require the user to specifically configure their node to use the app, 
creating a not so great user experience.

Nodes may also be behind various firewalls, making them notoriously difficult 
to connect to remotely. Lightning Labs has made their solution called Lightning 
Node Connect, which uses a secure proxy WebSocket to talk to the node. But I 
fear Lightning Node Connect is far too tailored for use with LND, and gRPC. 
Also, I found myself having a hard time grasping the numerous different 
protocols, and handshakes it uses, as I needed to write an implementation in a 
language that it is not already available. Thus, the idea of getting other node 
back ends, like CLN, and Eclair to implement it, is a tough ask.

What if there was a BLIP that described a JSON RPC interface over a WebSocket, 
that node back ends can implement allowing any front end to be able to be used 
with any back end. It would include all basic features of lightning, like 
opening a channel, closing a channel, sending a payment, etc. Technically, even 
custodial solutions like Wallet of Satoshi, could implement this interface. 
This allows the freedom to use any interface you desire, similar to how you can 
use any email client, with any email server.

Additionally, it would be great to have also a proxy version of the JSON RPC 
interface, allowing two sides to connect and subscribe to each other, and the 
proxy server pass encrypted messages it cant read along to the other side, 
allowing you to use your node behind complicated firewalls, like Tor.

List, what do you think of something like this?
Thanks, Michael.
Lightning-dev mailing list

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