- **status**: Fixed --> Verified


** [issues:#5145] Allow $... to specify a markup command**

**Status:** Verified
**Labels:** Fixed_2_19_63 
**Created:** Mon Jun 12, 2017 03:16 PM UTC by David Kastrup
**Last Updated:** Sat Jun 17, 2017 06:51 AM UTC
**Owner:** David Kastrup

Allow $... to specify a markup command

This is a partial (though more flexible) substitute for \on-the-fly
since it allows to replace

\on-the-fly #(lambda (layout props args) ...)


$(let ((fun (lambda (layout props args) ...)))
   (set! (markup-command-signature fun) (list markup?))

Namely: ad-hoc written functions (probably most useful when written
using macros) can be employed as markup commands when preceded with $
as long as they have a suitable markup command signature attached.
This feature is mainly added for consistency with music functions.

Lexer: factor out push_markup_predicates



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