- **Patch**: countdown --> needs_work


** [issues:#1255] Extract hyphen dimensions and/or hyphen glyph from the font**

**Status:** Started
**Created:** Thu Sep 09, 2010 05:01 AM UTC by Anonymous
**Last Updated:** Sat Sep 23, 2017 07:23 PM UTC
**Owner:** Knut Petersen

*Originally created by:* *anonymous

*Originally created by:* 

LyricHyphen does not use the glyph of the LyricText font, but instead a custom 
line markup. Alexander Kobel: "Once I also tried to exchange the LyricHyphen 
stencil to mimic LyricText, but to no avail - AFAICS, the alignment of the 
hyphens is more or less hard-coded in the C++ part."

lily/lyric-hyphen.cc: \(line 555-556\)
 "TODO: should extract hyphen dimensions or hyphen glyph from the font."
 Allow a markup to replace the default LyricHyphen

Solves issue #1255.

Signed-off-by: Knut Petersen knut_peter...@t-online.de



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