> "this patch", as I understand it being the Rietveld issue in its final state, 
> removed --bigpdf completely. 


>  This here is issue 5201, and the commit message for this issue states:
commit 398c2e17d45bf4d18723e14d52531e4e7d006dea

Yes. It's completely useless with gs 9.22.

> At least that's what patch set 2 and patch set 3 claim in their message. It 
> has a scope that was quite exceeding the scope that was agreed on to be 
> sensible for 2.20 on the developer lists. 

After some discussions and my "I dend to agree" DAK wrote:

> Well, so much for my plan of making the same options work for 2.20 and 2.21.

My answer was to implement the code in patchset #3. After some minor 
modifications patchset 4 was accepted for master. The final patchset gives the 
possibility to use the same options for 2.20 and 2.21, I thought that was 

> So I don't really see what you mean here. What is your actual proposal/vision 
> for 2.20?

I really thought my "I vote to include this patch in lilypond 2.20" was 
unequivocal. Cherry-pick 398c2e17d4 for lilypond 2.20.


** [issues:#5201] Use -b together with -dgs-never-embed-fonts**

**Status:** Fixed
**Labels:** Fixed_2_21_0 
**Created:** Sat Sep 23, 2017 03:53 PM UTC by Knut Petersen
**Last Updated:** Sat Oct 07, 2017 05:40 PM UTC
**Owner:** Knut Petersen

Use -b together with -dgs-never-embed-fonts

Signed-off-by: Knut Petersen <knut_peter...@t-online.de>


There was an intense discussion about dramatically increased pdf file sizes 
caused by a patch in ghostscript.

To make it short: I think this patch fixes the problem. Please test.

You will see no effect without a working extractpdfmark package.

one example: notation.pdf is back to 6.875.674 bytes.


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