The discussion is about Automake - I probably shouldn't have made that comment 
in the summary. Moving to 'Countdown'


** [issues:#5770] Generate dependency files with Clang**

**Status:** Started
**Created:** Sun Feb 16, 2020 08:59 PM UTC by Jonas Hahnfeld
**Last Updated:** Tue Feb 18, 2020 05:45 AM UTC
**Owner:** Jonas Hahnfeld

Generate dependency files with Clang

Clang has no support for the DEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT variable. Instead
pass -MMD -MF -MT to achieve the same effect with both GCC and Clang.
This solution even comes with the advantage that passing -MP gives
"a phony target for each dependency" to "work around errors make
gives if you remove header files".

In the long term, we should definitely think about using something
like AutoMake for this purpose so that we don't have to maintain
these details of our build system...

Additionally delete rules for .lo files. As far as I can tell, they
are not used.


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