As part of my patch related to [Issue 4375](#4375), I changed the error message 
> programming error: Multi measure rest seems misplaced.
Which is at least more intelligible than *getrods (): I am not spanned!*  
(besides, that function’s no longer named get_rods).

Maybe David’s suggestion would be better, though:
> multimeasure rest size not a multiple of bar size
Or for more clarity
> Multi measure rest’s duration is not a multiple of the current measure length.


** [issues:#1291] R2 in single 4/4 measure produces "Object is not a markup." 
and "I am not spanned!"**

**Status:** Accepted
**Labels:** Warning 
**Created:** Mon Oct 04, 2010 01:24 AM UTC by Anonymous
**Last Updated:** Sun Sep 27, 2015 09:04 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

*Originally created by:* *anonymous

*Originally created by:* 

Reported by Marnix Klooster and David Kastrup,

\version "2.12.4" % the same for 2.13.35
{ R2 }

We currently get
/tmp/ warning: barcheck failed at: 1/2
  R2 \}
Preprocessing graphical objects...
programming error: Multi\_measure\_rest::get\_rods \(\): I am not spanned\!
continuing, cross fingers
programming error: Object is not a markup.
continuing, cross fingers
This object should be a markup: \(\)
programming error: Multi\_measure\_rest::get\_rods \(\): I am not spanned\!
continuing, cross fingers

Instead, the message better be either
Warning: multimeasure rest fails bar check
\(in case that its length \_is\_ a full bar multiple\)
Error: multimeasure rest size not a multiple of bar size
\(in case that it could not work out anyway\).

In case of a warning, error recovery needs to result in something
reasonably sensible.  If that is not feasible, one needs to create an
error instead.

A warning implies that Lilypond is going to do continue with reasonable

David Kastrup

Again, not sure about priority. "barcheck failed" looks like medium; but 
"programming error" is closer to critical?..


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