> Yes, this is one of a couple of known issues regarding spacing and
> collision handling (see comments in lily/ambitus*.cc for details).  You
> may try to tweak some of the space-alist values (search for "ambitus" in
> scm/grob-description.scm), and (depending on breakAlignOrder) maybe also
> the values of default-break-align-space-alist in scm/basic-properties.scm,
> but I think I already played around with them with limited success.
> > One of my plans for my website redesign is to have each piece have
> > it's own page, with the incipit for each part.  To generate these
> > automatically, I need a way to print the ambitus of a set of notes
> > without printing all the notes.  I can think of some things to play
> > with; has anyone solved the problem yet?

I suspect that the easiest route is to use a Scheme function to
extract min/max pitches, and write that to a file containing two
blanked notes, of the min and the max pitch. Print that with linewidth
= -1, yielding a snippet with only an ambitus (or incipit,


Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]    | http://www.cs.uu.nl/~hanwen/

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